Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
Send me a PM if you need me.
PS works only if the original words are not capitalized.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
Send me a PM if you need me.
Send me a PM if you need me.
Send me a PM if you need me.
Send me a PM if you need me.
- I'm telling you, the man and the dog are definitely acting together.
- For God's sake, Hank! You again with your conspiracy theories...
Send me a PM if you need me.
Всегда нравилась эта картинка.А ты не думаешь, что это перевод с английского?
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
Thanks for translating the one about the dog and the farmer!
Send me a PM if you need me.
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