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Thread: macs in russia

  1. #1
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    macs in russia

    i recently got a G5, and iw as looking through teh hotline helper paper list, and none of the available hotlines are in russian, are there macs available for asel in russia? does anyone own a mac in russia?
    "i see youve noticed i have an english accent, well i cant help it if thats the way english words are pronounced preoperly"--jimmy carr

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Of course Macs are available for sale in Russia. However, they are mostly used for professional purposes, like typesetting, graphic creation/editing etc.

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    I used iMacs in Russia.
    Also had occasion to use a BigMac once or twice
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  4. #4
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    а как они (маковладельцы) бедняги парятся чтоб софта пираченного под свои маки нарыть ...
    вот и мало поэтому маков на руси
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  5. #5
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    вот и мало поэтому маков на руси
    А где их вообще много, кроме Штатов?
    Я живу в Израиле, так здесь их вообще не достать.
    А если и достанешь, то за эту цену можно купить неплохую машину.

    batman_villian, can you tell me how does one choose in the USA
    between a Mac and a PC when bying a first computer.
    Do Macs cost less or what?
    I know, in the past they were as simple as a TV to use, but this is
    not exactly the case nowadays.
    I'll be back! -------------- Я еще вернусь!

  6. #6
    Старший оракул
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    As a programmer, a joke amongst us is that if someone is too stupid to use a computer, they choose a MAC. While not entirely true, most people that are really into computers don't choose MAC's because they are difficult to upgrade, and all of the "IMAC" series were built into the monitor, and impossible to upgrade. People that never open the case like them because they are compact. I like sticking DVD burners, TV tuner cards, and all sorts of other things in mine. Actually, MAC's are mostly used for Graphic design. There is still a lot of unsupported (especially Microsoft) products, so 90% of the population uses PC's unless they were brought up in school using MAC's. Every job I have worked has had all PC's except for one MAC that the Graphic Designer uses.
    Sorry for the long answer, but as you can see, I really hate MAC's!!
    "Alright, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me, so let's just figure this out and I'll get back to killing you with beer."

  7. #7
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    Basically arty liberal people like to use them. OK, OK, sorry for the rash generalization.

  8. #8
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    опять же смотря где
    тут их используют смурные помороченные дизайнеры
    которые сумели нарубить бабла на мак и при этом
    достаточно хитрож... чтоб набрать воз профессионального софта под него нахаляву
    то есть люди в разы более смышлённые чем средняя пионерская PC-шная масса, но при этом с метровыми тараканами в башке
    Оригинал: Call me ASAP.
    Перевод: Зови меня Асапом. (С)

  9. #9
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    A lot of people buy them for their parents, as well, since they're supposed to be easy-to-use and hassle-free in setup.

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай Scorpio's Avatar
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    Sometimes I even works on the Macs -- but it was before the era of G5's. These were Powermacs (models 4400 & 7200 --? can't remember exactly).
    Also, if I correctly remember my impression, it was something like: "Great computer -- but totally incompatible with all available hardware, not to mention software"

    Quote Originally Posted by QWERTYZ
    а как они (маковладельцы) бедняги парятся чтоб софта пираченного под свои маки нарыть ...
    вот и мало поэтому маков на руси
    Поверь, проблемы люди решали. В Москве была мощная Мак-тусовка... весь софт и прочее можно было достать по знакомству. Солидарность макинтошистов, как и фидошников -- это было нечто, о чем сочиняли легенды
    Кр. -- сестр. тал.

  11. #11
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    Macs are generally for more professional publishing situations//graphics. But saying that Macs are for stupid people, well, thats ridiculous. The G5 processor series woops ANY x86(IBM-Clones) Processor's ass. 1) it is a 64-bit processor 2) it is not the x86 architecture(which sucks very bad).

    On top of the greatness of the processors, the Operating system MAC OS X, is like a god among operating systems whereas Microcraps operating systems(thats right, all of them) are below slime! The Mac OS X is the epitime of what an operating system should be in today's world. It is based on UNIX(*BSD) and it has the best GUI available in the world of computers!

    If you are stuck on the x86 architecture either by budget or a need for the multitude of third-party hardware, you should download and install a distribution of GNU/Linux instead of spending 100$+ on the latest version of Windblows!

    --Plastic Saint
    ---Open Source Advocate since 2000!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plastic-Saint
    ...and it has the best GUI available in the world of computers!
    That's why Mac OS X sucks big time - GUI, like oxygen, is for losers, real jedis run Bourne Again Shell under Debian Linux, they don't fall for that X Window crap.
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  13. #13
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    On top of the greatness of the processors, the Operating system MAC OS X, is like a god among operating systems whereas Microcraps operating systems(thats right, all of them) are below slime! The Mac OS X is the epitime of what an operating system should be in today's world. It is based on UNIX(*BSD) and it has the best GUI available in the world of computers!
    You must be paid by Apple to say that kind of stuf.
    Otherwise I can't imagine why would anyone get himself in
    such an unworthy dispute.
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  14. #14
    Завсегдатай Scorpio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plastic-Saint
    Macs are generally for more professional publishing situations//graphics. But saying that Macs are for stupid people, well, thats ridiculous. The G5 processor series woops ANY x86(IBM-Clones) Processor's ass. 1) it is a 64-bit processor 2) it is not the x86 architecture(which sucks very bad).
    Well, new P4s (aka Itaniums and later) as well are:
    1) 64-bit processors;
    2) not x86 internally (their ability to run legacy x86 code works more like kind of emulation, AFAIK)
    (No, I'm not a big Intel fan, just want to be accurate.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Plastic-Saint
    On top of the greatness of the processors, the Operating system MAC OS X, is like a god among operating systems whereas Microcraps operating systems(thats right, all of them) are below slime! The Mac OS X is the epitime of what an operating system should be in today's world. It is based on UNIX(*BSD) and it has the best GUI available in the world of computers!
    Probably, not a bad OS... but doesn't "a god among operating systems" sound a bit too strong?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plastic-Saint
    If you are stuck on the x86 architecture either by budget or a need for the multitude of third-party hardware, you should download and install a distribution of GNU/Linux instead of spending 100$+ on the latest version of Windblows!
    Your avatar already revealed your preferences.
    Кр. -- сестр. тал.

  15. #15
    Старший оракул
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    The best coder I ever met (well, probably..) loved Macs. He was heavily involved in porting Perl to that platform. And yes OS X or whatever it's called is at least a Unix variant ... Unix really is a beautiful thing for real work.
    Frankly I found the iMac (which wasn't based on OS X but the number 9, whatever it's called, if that matters) rather annoying, but it just depends what you're trying to do.
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  16. #16
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    the Itanic can't really be compared to the G5, or even AMD64(as well as intels upcoming clone of amd64) because it was never aimed at desktop users *and* it sunk...

    @VM: Debian? Slackware 0\/\/|\|-\_ Debian!
    (in all seriousness though I really like most distros...and I use cli apps a lot even when im running X)

    @Frequent_Guest: You aren't much of a geek are you? ^_^

    The truth is the last Mac I used was one of those ancient powermacs that seemed to only run Oregan Trail But, OS X being a UNIX, and the G5 being the G5 = Great computer ...but I'd probably just install Linux on one if I had the money for them ^_^(after all, if I really want I can make it look exactly like OS X, and it runs Unreal Tournament(2kx)!)

    The only reason I decided to reply was because most people seemed to be bashing the Mac, which I think is a great architecture with a great OS.

    have y'all seen the new Mac Mini? entry-level Mac ^_^ (499USD)

    --plastic saint
    ---I can't wait for the CELL architecture to come out! Even if I have to hack my PS3 to run linux on it, it'll be great!

  17. #17
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    Slackware? ---> /dev/nul !
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  18. #18
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    BLASPHEMER!!!! each their own though, Im actually running windows atm

    the Dawn of War game case tempted me too much

  19. #19
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Well I am an Apple Technician ... having used both PC's and Macs alongside for years.

    Admittedly GUI's are a downfall ... but Mac OS X has a much smoother and faster interface. It also provides a direct link to the UNIX command prompt via the "Terminal" application

    Everyone I know who uses PC's curse when they crash constantly, but they don't use Macs for the reasont hat they "work different" and "are not what they're used to"

    They work the SAME way!!!!
    Owner, AphexMac UK.
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