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Last edited by Lampada; June 17th, 2012 at 01:35 PM. Reason: Off-topic, insult
Люди, тема "Нарочно не придумаешь!" в разделе Fun Stuff предназначена для размещения юмористического материала, который не должен восприниматься серьёзно. Расслабьтесь!
Slavs liked to be slaves so much, that they forgot their own style of naming themselves and adopted Germanic word for "slave" as their name
What a nonsense!
The most widely accepted hypothesis derives the name from "слово" (word), AFAIK.
Here is the word "Slavs" written in different Slavic languages, according to Wikipedia:
Church Slavoniс - словѣнє
Russian and Belorussian - славяне
Ukrainian - слов'яни
Bulgarian - славяни
Serbian and Macedonian - Словени
Croatian and Bosnian - Slaveni
Slovene - Slovani
Polish - Słowianie
Czech - Slované
Slovak - Slovania
I think this would come as a surprise to most linguists and lexicographers -- who seem to overwhelmingly agree that "slave" came from the Slavic self-designation "Slav", not the other way around. And it came by way of Latin, not any of the Scandinavian languages. (The ancient Romans conquered one of the Slavic tribes and Latinized the tribe's native Slavic name as sclavus, which later became a generic term for "slave" and lost the hard "c" sound, becoming slavus. If you can find any dictionary citations that disagree with this uncontroversial point, feel free to share.)
If there's no such thing as a "white" race, then shouldn't you have written "Both Slavs and Western Europeans are non-white"? But at the same time, if there are only three races, then aren't Slavs and Western Europeans both in the same category ("Caucasoid")?Scientifically, there is no such thing as "white" race. There are only three races, Mongolian, Caucasian, and Negro, or combinations thereof.
Slavs are not white, in the sense that they're the same race as Western Europeans.
Ah, okay. I thought you were offering your own theories, rather than quoting from a web-answers site.
I checked out the link, and the answers are mostly worth less than the paper they're not printed on, IMHO. In addition to the linguistic confusion, I very much doubt you could find many biologists/geneticists today who would agree that "there are [exactly] three races". Some scientists prefer not to use the term "race" at all; others may think the term is still valid in certain contexts, but they would insist that racial categories -- and thus the total number of races in the human species -- are totally arbitrary.
So you could, if you wished, divide humans into three races, or six races, or twelve, or whatever. As far as our genes are concerned, you could assign people to races based on the A,B,O blood-type system, or based on lactose-tolerance, or whatever. It's a matter of academic convenience, at best -- and any claim that there are "exactly three," with everyone else being mixtures of these, is scientifically meaningless.
This is what I had thought, that was self-name, related to... It seems nobody even suggested that "Slavs" could be the historical self-name of the people.
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