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Thread: Помогите мне находить рабочую связь для этой песни!

  1. #1
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    Помогите мне находить рабочую связь для этой песни!

    Я пробую найти загрузку версией этой песни в формате Mp3, но каждой связи, которую я пробую, сломан, или игрок СМИ Windows или привычка Winamp играют это

    может кто - то указывать меня на рабочую связь, которая позволит мне экономить это к моему Накопителю на жестких дисках


    Ohps Песня Подмосковные вечера

    Репутация - то, что другие люди знают о Вас. Честь состоит в том то, что Вы знаете о вас непосредственно.

  2. #2
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    Re: Помогите мне находить рабочую связь для этой песни!

    Quote Originally Posted by ang12el
    Я пробую найти загрузку версией этой песни в формате Mp3, но каждой связи, которую я пробую, сломан, или игрок СМИ Windows или привычка Winamp играют это

    может кто - то указывать меня на рабочую связь, которая позволит мне экономить это к моему Накопителю на жестких дисках
    I try to find a load by version of this song in Mp3 format, but to every affairs which I try, broken, or a player massmedia Windows or habit Winamp play this.
    Can someone show mine at working affairs which let me economize this to my Storage of hard drive.

    net surfer, ты прав. Это жесть!
    Gib immer 100% bei der Arbeit: 12% am Montag, 23% am Dienstag, 40% am Mittwoch, 20% am Donnerstag, 5% am Freitag ...

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    I'm going to break the rules and post in English.

    So, sue me (or rather, ban me )

    Angel, if I remember right, started out on his very first Russian learning adventure in december 2005. And I admire his courage for throwing himself to the lions, and bravely trying to post in Russian. On a language board.

    Wouldn't it be an idea to help the man?!

    I don't remember reading in the rules that MasterRussian is only for advanced learners. But I do know that I won't be posting in Russian here (and I don't only mean the Russian Only Board), as I need help, not reminding how bad my Russian is. I know that.
    I guess the same goes for Angel.
    And for many others who may be lurking.

    Angel, hat off to you, mate!

    Try Easy CD/DA Extractor for file compression, it'll save space for your MP3's (it's shareware, about 15
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

  6. #6
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    And I admire his courage for throwing himself to the lions, and bravely trying to post in Russian.
    Что такого brave в электронных переводчиках?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BabaYaga
    I'm going to break the rules and post in English.

    So, sue me (or rather, ban me )

    Angel, if I remember right, started out on his very first Russian learning adventure in december 2005. And I admire his courage for throwing himself to the lions, and bravely trying to post in Russian. On a language board.

    Wouldn't it be an idea to help the man?!

    I don't remember reading in the rules that MasterRussian is only for advanced learners. But I do know that I won't be posting in Russian here (and I don't only mean the Russian Only Board), as I need help, not reminding how bad my Russian is. I know that.
    I guess the same goes for Angel.
    And for many others who may be lurking.

    Angel, hat off to you, mate!
    Sorry, that language was not "bad Russian". That language wasn't Russian at all. It's English, with (mostly wrong) Russian words substituted in. He should stop doing this NOW -- word-for-word translation does not work, and this is a good example why. Hopefully this reaction helps him realize that
    And this is what the inverse situation looks like:

    Also here's a couple links on the subject that all language learners should look at, imo:

  8. #8
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    Спасибо за связь я не потружусь объявлять в здесь снова.
    Репутация - то, что другие люди знают о Вас. Честь состоит в том то, что Вы знаете о вас непосредственно.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ang12el
    Спасибо за связь я не потружусь объявлять в здесь снова.
    He didn't get it, did he?
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  10. #10
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ang12el
    Спасибо за связь
    I'm afraid you dont understand that it sounds like "thanks for extramarital relations". Ok, thank you for it too.
    я не потружусь объявлять в здесь снова.
    it makes totally no sence, just set of russian words.
    Please, speak English, or Russian, or "bad Russian" but don't speak on-line translated Russian.
    Gib immer 100% bei der Arbeit: 12% am Montag, 23% am Dienstag, 40% am Mittwoch, 20% am Donnerstag, 5% am Freitag ...

  11. #11
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    Жесть - Tin?

  12. #12
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    I wonder, what was his English original word for "связь"?...
    edit: I think it was probably "link".

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by laxxy
    I wonder, what was his English original word for "связь"?...
    edit: I think it was probably "link".
    I deciphered him:

    "I try to find a downloadable version of this song in mp3 format, but every hyperlink which I try is either broken or Windows Media Player plays it."

    So can someone help?
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by basurero
    Жесть - Tin?
    Нет. Жесть это жесть. Когда люди типа ang12el ведут себя таким образом, результат их действий - жесть. От слова "жёсткий", его переносного значения. Думается, по-английски можно сказать в этом случае "tough".
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  15. #15
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Ok I will speak in English this forum says "Russian Only" now seeing as this is the only forum I can ask for a link to Russian Music I had to write in Russian so Yes you are correct my Russian is not up to standard. But what I cannot understand is why you are so pedantic - after all as previously mentioned I have only just started to study Russian, would you expect to get the same response if you went into an English forum ?

    For example people except for the few offering criticism and nothing else!
    When you learnt to speak English did you not make mistakes????

    I really cannot understand some people on this forum surely you are here to promote the use of your langauge yet you attack someone who wants to learn albeit incorrectly in some case.

    I still believe that there are many good people on this forum but it is the few who have nothing better to do than to put someone down rather than help make it an enioyable place in which to learn!
    Репутация - то, что другие люди знают о Вас. Честь состоит в том то, что Вы знаете о вас непосредственно.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ang12el
    Ok I will speak in English this forum says "Russian Only" now seeing as this is the only forum I can ask for a link to Russian Music I had to write in Russian
    You could ask in English in General Discussion section as well.

    so Yes you are correct my Russian is not up to standard.
    That's not your Russian but a result of a dumb machine translator that produced a meaningless set of Russian words which are not in agreement with each other.

    But what I cannot understand is why you are so pedantic - after all as previously mentioned I have only just started to study Russian
    I'm not pedantic, I'm uneducated.

    would you expect to get the same response if you went into an English forum ?
    Using machine translation? Sure!

    For example people except for the few offering criticism and nothing else!
    When you learnt to speak English did you not make mistakes????
    Learnt but not use machine translators! Can't you see the difference?

    I really cannot understand some people on this forum surely you are here to promote the use of your langauge yet you attack someone who wants to learn albeit incorrectly in some case.
    Promote? Lol. Who told you that? :)

    I still believe that there are many good people on this forum but it is the few who have nothing better to do than to put someone down rather than help make it an enioyable place in which to learn! :cry:
    We'll help no worries, when you start asking smart questions yourself.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ang12el
    Ok I will speak in English this forum says "Russian Only" now seeing as this is the only forum I can ask for a link to Russian Music I had to write in Russian
    I think you could also ask in the General forum...
    But really the problem is not that your Russian was bad -- I've seen a lot of bad posts on this forum as well, and no one made fun of them. The problem is that is was bad _in a particular way_, in a "which watch?--six watch" kind of way (check the jokes in the thread I linked too, as you see, Russians find it rather funny even when they are doing it themselves). Which suggested the use of an online translator (or maybe a literal word-to-word translation). Online translated Russian is known to often be quite hilarious and I've seen quite a few chain joke emails with quotes from those.

    So these jokes here are more on the online translator, than on you. Well, maybe just a little bit on you, but you now realize how bad the translators are, and won't do it again, would you? and when your Russian improves, you'll read this thread again and have good fun.

    Now, some of my (personal and subjective) suggestions as to what you could actually do to start posting in (bad, at first) Russian now, or very soon:

    1. Do check out the links I gave above

    2. Get a book with a nice summary of Russian grammar with examples, or several of them. I do not really know which ones are out there, but other learners might help you here. You are looking for something that is not too detailed, and has examples for everything. Browse through the book, or read the preface -- the point is for you to understand a few basic things about how the language works, the cases, the "sovershennye/ nesovershennye" verbs, how the subject and object often switch from English (e.g. "ona mne nravitsja"="I like her", but it is SHE who is doing the action in the Russian sentence, not me). Just quickly browse through the explanations without actively learning all the endings and stuff first. The main point is for you to realize that a few things work differently and that you should be careful trying to translate your sentences into Russian.

    3. Get a good learners' dictionary -- again, go for the one with the largest number of examples, the number of entries is not quite so important now. If you do not know how to write something in Russian, look for a similar expression here, or among the examples in the book from p.2. This will also teach you something useful.

    4. When needed, you may have to look up single words in online/large paper dictionaries. Before putting them in, make sure that you are confident that this is where the word should go in and the form the word should take.

    5. For expressions that you are not confident in try using Google (not yandex as it will ignore the word forms!) to check if other people used them before. I don't mean whole sentences, I mean checking out whether word A is OK to go with word B, or what should be the case of B, etc. I am still doing it when writing in English at times.

    6. This all is a lot harder and more time consuming than typing into an online translator. But it'll help you learn and you'll look better in the process.

    would you expect to get the same response if you went into an English forum ?
    Of course, and I've seen a lot of people making fun of newcomers who spoke bad English on English forums... sometimes quite deservedly... I still remember a certain "big mouse" controversy on

  18. #18
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    I agree with net surfer and laxxy
    There were no offensive posts towards someone's bad knowledge of Russian on this board. This thread isn't an exception.
    Learning Russian is always welcomed; no matter how good or bad you speak a foreign language, you are always respected for making the effort of learning it. We are equally grateful for correcting our English

  19. #19
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indra
    I agree with net surfer and laxxy
    There were no offensive posts towards someone's bad knowledge of Russian on this board. This thread isn't an exception.
    Learning Russian is always welcomed; no matter how good or bad you speak a foreign language, you are always respected for making the effort of learning it. We are equally grateful for correcting our English
    it makes totally no sence, just set of russian words.
    Please, speak English, or Russian, or "bad Russian" but don't speak on-line translated Russian.
    I agree that the atmosphere on this forum is nice and everybody is well respected, but the above quote could be construed as impolite.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  20. #20
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    Sorry, pal, for making you feel disgraced. We didn't want to. But do remember that this is not what can be done intentionally---guys and gals above explained why.

    And I found the song for you in excuse. Here's the link:
    (I didn't check it, though).

    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

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