This numbered diagram of the human mouth was taken from the Wikipedia article "Place of articulation" (Russian: Места образования согласных).
In a different thread, CoffeeCup wrote:I agree with CoffeeCup's suggestion, although I'm definitely not qualified to do it all myself -- that's why I've called this thread "BETA" for the time being, with the idea that after the thread has been improved by contributions from native speakers of both English and Russian, it can become a sticky.It would be great if you start over a new thread with this picture and explain all the English and Russian sounds with this scheme. Of course if somebody else can it would be great if he help you. Such a thread would be of incredible importance for all who learn Russian and English. Such a thread would certainly became sticky in the "Pronunciation, Speech & Accent" section.
To begin with, the numbered regions in the map all have formal names in English and in Russian:
1. Exo-labial, 2. Endo-labial, 3. Dental, 4. Alveolar, 5. Post-alveolar, 6. Pre-palatal, 7. Palatal, 8. Velar, 9. Uvular, 10. Pharyngeal, 11. Glottal, 12. Epiglottal, 13. Radical, 14. Postero-dorsal, 15. Antero-dorsal, 16. Laminal, 17. Apical, 18. Sub-apical
1. Внешнелабиальные, 2. Внутрилабиальные, 3. Дентальные, 4. Альвеолярные, 5. Постальвеолярные, 6. Препалатальные, 7. Палатальные, 8. Велярные, 9. Увулярные, 10. Фарингальные, 11. Глоттальные, 12. Эпиглоттальные, 13. Радикальные, 14. Постдорсальные, 15. Предорсальные, 16. Ламинальные, 17. Апикальные, 18. Субапикальные
But in place of using these long formal names, I propose that for this thread, we simply use the numbers, for example "the tongue touches point 4" or "region №3" or "the general area between 6 and 7".