Quote Originally Posted by laxxy
Quote Originally Posted by TATY
So, yes, maybe if you mispronounce X is doesn't matter than much. But you can no way compare the difference between Russian В and English V, with the difference between Russian X and English Н.

Afterall, if Russian X was that close to English H, where do we transliterate it as Kh, and not just H?
You are probably right in theory, but the accent perception is largely a psychological phenomenon, and it crucially depends on the language one speaks.
In English mispronouncing "h" as "x" stands out for me, while the inverse in Russian does not. See, there are no other sounds similar to "h" or "x" in Russian, and so an English "h" falls into an (almost) acceptable range. It may sound very slightly unusual, but nowhere near as bad as how the Russian "x" sounds in English, to me at least.

Also, in past I have actually asked a few ppl what sound they thought was closer to "h" -- Ukrainian "g" or Russian "x", and most said that they are about equally bad. One interesting question that arises here is what is the right way to transliterate "h" into Ukrainian, and there are two camps on this issue.
To me, Ukrianian Г is much closer to English H, than Russian or Ukrainian X.