I am a music director at a church in the US. Three families at the church I work at have recently adopted Russian orphans. I would like to help the children feel a little more involved in the church service by transliterating the common service music for them. (As I can't imagine how boring it is for the kids to sit in an hour service with no way to participate... it's hard enough for me and I understand the words!)

By transliterating, I mean take the English words and write what they sound like in the Russian. Ex: ("Praise" written as "прэс").

Can anyone help me out or point me to the right direction? I studied Russian for a year in college, but I'm finding I remember less of it that I thought I would.

As a side note, for several years (even before there were any Russian speakers in the congregation), I have made the choir sing "Salvation is Created" by Chesnokov in Russian. I am planning on adding more Russian literature to the choral library (Rachmaninoff's "All Night Vigil" being the first) as well.