Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
Quote Originally Posted by YuliaVolkovaFan
Quote Originally Posted by xRoosterx
What part of Tennessee you from, bro?
East Tennessee, but I have no accent, I used to have a Southern accent, but I moved to Hawaii, and lost my accent
I find americans say this all the time... "oh i dont have an accent at all!" then i think... "then why cant i understand you?!" but maybe you dont, who knows?

to lose it, you have to get your mouth used to sounds you might have never used.... an accent is the accustomment of the mouth to a certain way of speaking. All you have to do is loosen it up so you can make the sounds of a native.. (i know i probably make it more simple than it is, but it works for me) so just practice, when you hear a word, repeat it over and over, it will help
I agree with you... I have a Californian accent and I constantly repeat words until it sounds as close as possible to how a native says it.