Okay, so I know that Unidentified Flying Object is неопознанный летающий объект (НЛО) in Russian, but when speaking how is НЛО pronounced, especially in the plural? In English it is easy to hear the difference between UFO and UFOs. What is the difference in Russian when pronouncing НЛО (singular) and НЛО (plural)? I can see at wiktionary that when saying the full term in word form that there are different endings for the singular and plural forms, as would be expected. BUT when saying the letters is there a difference in the way the singular and plural forms get pronounced? Wiktionary says that НЛО is indeclinable, but does that mean that the singular and plural forms are pronounced the same? Also would НЛО be pronounced EN-EL-O or just as a single syllable (nlo) as is the case with США?