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Thread: время, до этого

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    время, до этого

    In certain Pimsleur 2 lessons they say the word время which seriously sounds to me like "Vrena." In many lessons they say this word and every time it sounds like Verna. Is this one of those cases where a word is pronounced different than how it displays?

    In a separate lesson they say до этого, da etava. But then in a later lesson they say dough etava. What are the rules for how this is pronounced?


    Is the ultimate consonant in время pronounced like an N?

    Is до этого pronounced like da or dough or each?

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    время is pronounced exactly as written.
    до is essentially always pronounced similarly to да, unless, as in the case of your course, they are making an unnecessary effort to over-enunciate.

    I know that the Spanish pimsleur as well makes their speakers use a non realistic register when they speak.
    maxmixiv likes this.
    "В тёмные времена хорошо видно светлых людей."
    - A quote, that only exists in Russian. Erich Maria Remarque

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Antonio1986's Avatar
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    the world should sound as: vryemia
    Чем больше слов, тем меньше они стоят.

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