I think it must be interesting for you, It was Easter yesterday in Russia.
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I think it must be interesting for you, It was Easter yesterday in Russia.
Воистину воскресе!
You may say it up to Pentecost, btw.
uhhhhh....easter in Russia?
:roll: American minds...
maybe its easter in the Russian Orthodox Church...the catholic church celebrated easter on the 20th
Yep... Together with Jews, in spite of the rules accepted in one of the first oecumenical councilsQuote:
Originally Posted by Brandon8
Maybe I read that wrong, but Jews don't celebrate Easter. They do however celebrate passover, which I believe started on the 16th.
Considering Christians can't even decide what year Jesus was actually born in it seems rather pointless to argue over what day to celebrate all these different days. Just celebrate them. Who cares what day it really was? You'll probably never know for sure.
In Russian "Passover" and "Easter" is the same word -- Пасха.
But I don't care a fig, just remembered some cultural features.
I beleave that all people should not take there religion too seriously. If less people took there religion seriously there would be alot less problems.
Must..fight..temptation..must..remain..objective.. in..replies...
Oh mike you poor bugger. The cost of being a moderator. Not worth it some times is it.
:cry: A position of authority is no place for a polemic loudmouth. That's why Pat Buchanan keeps losing the presidential race.
If I argue the opposing point with my self would that help?
No, then I'll have to move the topic to Culture and Politics.
I think it is a good idea. Sorry for not starting it there.
Hmm, I wonder if I should move my fridge to culture and politics. It doesn't have any politics, but theres a bunch of bannans in there that certianly have plently of culture !
Oh, well then. Argue away, z80 :)Quote:
Originally Posted by jejik
haha! I'm not going to argue with my self on the forum, I'm able to argue with my self much quicker in my own brain. Didn't you here that popping noise?
I could say a few things about religion--especially the Catholics--but I won't.
catholics agitate me, but jews particualy annoy me. They have very short memories. I was just watching some jew on the TV going on about Hollicost day or something, and then, there he is going off about the pallistinians. The pallistinians are today, what the jews where in WWII. arrrr. Why can't they see that???
Well, I think it's a little bit of a stretch to say they're exactly like the Palestinians in this situation, but I see your point.
um...religion NOT too seriously... maybe if people took their religion more seriously the world would definately be a better place
I beleave that in every religion theres a "do not kill other humans" clause.
I'm sure Saudi Arabia's Utopian society agrees with you.Quote:
Originally Posted by Brandon8
actually, the jews are not like the germans of WWII and the palistinians are not like the "Jews". u see what everyone fails to realize is that the jews were there first, before anyone else, it is their land. the jews lived there, then they were inslaved by the egyptions, in the mean time the palistinians, or whoever started getting cozy in the jews land. after the jews were free'd by, moses or whoever... they coem back to find all these towel heads in their land. actually the jews have just had one hardship after another, since basically the begininng of their history. i dont think the islrealis are doing anything close to the concentration camps of poland and germany... the jews simply need there land that was so wrongfuly stoel by them. palistine is not even a real country, and you know it. it would be like if my neiborhood wanted independence. its silly and it needs to go away. so hypathetically, if you hada little too much vodka, and u accidently hit somone with ur lada :lol: , and u had to go to jail for awhile, and in the mean time, bums started moving into ur house and taking it over... by the timeu got back, u would be like HEY WTF, get out of my house... but, appernylu its not ur house anymore, for soem reason... it's now bum ville. and theres nothing u can do about it, cuz u wern't home... see ? it makes just about as much sense as "palistine" :roll:
By that logic we should give the United States back to the Indians since they were there first and it was stolen from them. Sure, the Jews were there "first" if we can believe the Bible (personally I don't). However, Palestine was owned by the Ottomans for what? A thousand years or so? It was also owned by Rome and Babylon. Probably a few others too. So whose is it rightfully? Not to get too deep in ideology, but I'd say it's nobody's. The land was split up pretty fairly as far as boundaries go. That's not the issue. The problem was 80% of the Jews' side was desert and all the farmland in the West Bank and Gaza were owned by Arabs. That is what they are fighting over. I think the things to remember are:
1. Almost all land we've lived on has been conquered, not found by accident to be uninhabited. Thus if you don't support a mass exodus of Europe and America back to Africa then stop being a hypocrite.
2. Don't side with the Jews just because you don't like Muslims (or Arabs in general).
3. Don't side with the Arabs just because you don't like Jews.
4. If you seriously think people should give up land their families have lived on for generations just because it was stolen a long time ago, pack up your suitcases and give Chief Lucky Dice a call to let him know you'll be moving out soon.
The thing I don't get is how long can generations fight each other for there grandparents point of view.
My family is a very forgiving one. My dads Mum is German and was an engineer on a weponds system, My mums dad was the guy that shot the weponds that my grandma helped design down.
It's something thats always been joked about, even though both families lost loved ones in WWII.
How can people hold a grudge against some one for what was done generations ago???
exactly and maybe we should give the US back to Britain 'cause they were the original conquerors and all of latin america back to Spain.Quote:
Originally Posted by mike
Britain France, Spain, and all the mediterranian lands back to the romans.
Maybe the Jews back to the egyptians???? it makes no f@cking sence does it. That land is rightfully palestinian and i dont know them or their coulture but the least Israel can do (after invading, taking homes, killing innocent civilians [hence provoking suicide attacks] ) is give them a state that is rightfully palestinian.
the bible analogy is a piece of bull s#it first becuase the bible is a worthless book in regards to politics (you cant go by what a book or religion says in regards to politics because its not the facts [yeah some of you think so but separation of church and state is with me])
thousands of years had passed since the Isralis were forced out of that land right? many people many things have gone on, things change quickly lets look at 200 years ago Mexico was part of a Spanish empire. lets say that spainish, because of economic and political reasons, decided that it was best to administer Mexico and all of Latin America, to collect taxes. What the f? But its their right because they owned them first?
after WWII and the suffering of the Jews, diying more than 6000000, of them The power administering those lands were the British they decided that the jews still thought that the land was theirs after 1000's of years and decided to give it to them. The palestinians were there they had been there for a long time it was theirs and is still theirs you cant just take the land and treat them like crap.
in your analogy dog boy you are using communities right
well let me put it like this.
your house was previously owned by a family which was unfairly kicked out by some other people in a ......scam lets say. but your great great great great grandparents bought it. generations have passed its been handed down it is yours now, you have a family of your own but because the ancestors of the those people now have nowhere to live they decide that is now theirs and you shouldnt be there. So they take it and you dont want to leave because to you, the house IS yours yet they are stronger and have strong friends so they beat you down humiliate you in your own home. You have nowhere to go either so what should you do?
what i do not like (besides the politics) is, that one is not allowed to criticise jews or politics of israel, especially when you are german or austrian. critics are not equal to insults. but if you criticise them you are called anti-semitic. Having a different opinion does not mean that you hate somebody because of his religion, culture or whatever…but it seems that this is exactly what a lot of jews think.
Why are you telling us this, solanum?
Well, I think a lot (not most, but a lot) of anti-Israelites are anti-Semitic. One need only visit Pravda's English forum to see the kind of racial tensions that stir beneath the supposed political arguments against the occupation. Most of what appear to be serious articles about Palestine just turn out to be conspiracy theories and manifestos about Jews controlling the world (which is ironic for a forum on Pravda considering how many Jews, like Marx, the Goldmans, and Trotsky, were influential in the early communist movements of the Industrial Era). This is one of the main reasons why I don't waste my time talking on their forum.Quote:
Originally Posted by solanum
It's a lot like all those Freedom Parties and Vlaams Bloks out in Europe claiming to be "anti-immigration." They really only seem to have a problem with immigrants who are a little "on the dark side," if you catch my drift.
In Arab countries, when I hear or read about a politician talking about the "Zionists" it seems more like a codeword for "those Jews over there" than Jewish people who actually support the Zionist movement, like the Morton Kleins and Benjamin Netanjahus of the world.
Anyway, I don't know what any of this has to do with Easter.
i guess you do not know Michel Friedman! he is the head of the jewish community in germany. well...ok. but if you do not agree with him, you are called antisemitic. and i do not think that this is right, because one can have a different opinion without being a racist or what ever. his only argument is: you hate the jews. and this is not an argument, especially not when it is just not true.
i, as well, am not antisemitic, but i dare saying that i cannot agree with mr. sharon s politics. so what? i also say i cannot stand mr. bush, but this does not mean that i hate americans or that i am anti american. if you do think that i am, well i guess you never heard of freedom of speech...
No, I don't. But I know Thomas Friedman, who is probably just as annoying. Anyway, Germany's concept of freedom of speech is rather disgusting so this is a moot point of argument.
i must confess that i do not get what you mean with "Germany s concept....".
I mean that when it comes to things like Nazism they censor it to the point of being oppressive. I am ambivalent on this issue, but for today I am against it.
did anyone see that simpsons where Mac Bain was fighting the "Commie Nazis" ? lol its so true, americans biggest enemies, the СНКП... Soviet Nazi Communist Party... :lol: i crack myself up.
Hey there all,
found this place, thought I'd say hi...
did ya' know, you could write XPUCTOC BOCKPECE using the english-latin alphabet?
and the same with the response.
go away new yorker, I don't like your advertizments.
What advertisements? Or is that a joke about the magazine..