I voted for returning death penalty, but the thing is it’s not going to happen. Russia is striving to keep up appearances in the eyes of the world, WTO joining on the agenda etc.
China does not care about appearances and for who says what, shoots them all and lets God to decide if it’s right or wrong. But here in Russia all that western absurdity is coming our way more and more. A scum raped and murdered a girl but he’s not a villain anymore, he is not responsible, he was raised the way he shouldn’t have been, he is a victim of society, he’s being stroked over the head, spoon-fed and cared after as a child, “Hush, baby, we won’t let them, cruel people, punish you.”
Isn’t it the way it has always been, in literature or in movies and in real life, that if a murder was committed in the beginning everybody was restless until the murderer was found and relieved when he was finally punished. Why, all of a sudden, does it have to change now? Revenge, and what’s wrong with that?
I saw a film the other day from the “Tremors” series, where earth worms called Graboids all through the series hunt, eat, tear people limb by limb, even, from time to time, long story short, make their lives hard in every way imaginable. The locals do their best to survive vicious predator’s onslaughts and so goes their life in harmony with Mother Nature. Now, out of nowhere comes a group of environmentalists or what do you call them, anxious about the abused rights of the worms and start a crusade against people molesting innocent Graboids. Seems it’s a current trend today that abused ends up being looked upon as an abuser. A pack of stray dogs bites a woman to death but you can’t shoot them and be done with it, it’s an infringement of animals’ rights, as the elderly in a retirement home living worse than dogs is OK. The notion of justice is turned upside down. So I am for penalty, and the hell with this so called humanity.