Most Americans seem more aware of RT than of Pravda. Pravda has too much connection to Soviet times, in the minds of Americans, for them to take it credibly. I share stories from RT, RIA Novosti, Russia Beyond the Headlines and a variety of other Russian media which have English editions. Only the RT articles get much of a response. As for myself, I read Russian-language news as well to get a handle on what is really going on.

Frankly, I am tired of ALL the dick measuring. I have not seen Russian/American animosity this high since the Cold War. I am hearing some of the most ignorant, russophobic nonsense I have heard since the 80's when people flocked to movies like Red Dawn. It's disgusting and believe me, I have given a lot of people a piece of my mind. I am also hearing a lot of hatred of America and nasty stereotypes about my own people and I'm fed up with that too. In my opinion screw ALL the haters.

Everyone needs to calm the hell down, start reasoning objectively, stop pointing fingers, and start trying to work out some peaceful and diplomatic solutions which do not involve igniting a global conflict and destroying life on this planet as we know it.