"It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." --- Voltaire ---
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Ой, просто стыдно за него перед народами. Позорище! И что там ещё за оружие? Может, нашли разработки Николы Теслы?
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
YouTube - Zhirik Exact Quote
Это он так про Единую Россию?
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
A bit of history. As the WWII was close to conclusion, Soviet intelligence got direct access to some of the top secret developments of the Nazi Germany. Studying and reverse-engineering those developments gave a tremendous push to the Soviet Science and Engineering. Among the variety of novelties, the two most distinguished ones gave birth to the Soviet Nuclear progamme (which concluded in creation of a first plutonium bomb in 1949) and to the even more prominent weapon subsequently code-named Kuzkina Mat'. As the two scientific progammes progressed and the world had plunged into the Cold War, it became apparent the new parity paradigm enforced the military technology racing which often implied first finding out the features of a new opponent's weapon with a subsequent extensive studies. That process ultimately gave birth to the local replica of the weapon. For example, that was the case with the hydrogen bomb: the Soviets detonated their first hydrogen charge in 1953 just a year after the US detonated their first H-bomb Mike. The race started after President Truman announced in 1950 that the US starts working on the H-bomb.
From that experience the Soviets learned that in order to win the arms race they should not disclose the features of Kuzkina Mat' and continue to test and perfect the weapon in secret. The code-name Kuzkina Mat' (Кузькина Мать in Russian) has been attributed to the head of a top secret CB (constructing bureau) Mikhail Yangel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia who usually was respectfully referred to as Kuzmich (Кузьмич) and the fact that he dedicated this work to his mom. Though most of the features still remain a top secret, the existence of the weapon had been confirmed by the top Soviet officials as early as 1960. It was therefore not a surprise that in the very same year - 1960 - that Mikhail Yangel received his Lenin Prize - the highest USSR award of the time for science accomplishments. Amidst the speculations, one of the known-for-the-fact KM's features is its so-called "Quarter-Hour Lullaby" abilities that allow to put the whole continents to sleep within 15 minutes. It has been recently leaked, that the Lullaby had undergone a series of modifications and had been successfully upgraded so as not to adversely affect the orbital launch capability of the weapon's operator.
Ничего, Жирик всех спасет, а остальным покажет.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
And all the time I was thinking it was all the bright shiny colored toy operant conditioning devices, cellphones,wireless, internet &c that are the secret weapon. All the people asleep at the wheel, plugged into their personal nanny-minder conditioning devices, monitored by the NSA. Gee, how much more wrong could I be?
Грязные башмаки располагают к осмотрительности в выборе дороги. /*/ Muddy boots choose their roads with wisdom. ;
Эдуард Лимонов - не полковник. Он - вождь.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
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