Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
The American view on healthcare is INCOMPREHENSIBLE to everyone this side of the pond.

I read an article in a Swedish Christian paper, trying to explain why Christians in the States hate "Obamacare". Apparently the idea is that if the state provides, then people become dependent on the state, rather than on God. So for that's reason they hate it. It makes no sense to me. What if God is using the State to provide the healthcare? Every other hospital is named for a Christian or biblical figure for goodness sake. And what about the Good Samaritan? Public healthcare is completely in the spirit of what he did - that's Jesus' own parable. Public healthcare is allowing us all to be like the Good Samaritan towards each other. What could be more Christlike on the health front? As with many other issues, these people appear to lose the plot.

It's incompressible to me, too. The right-wing "christians" do not seem to have anything in common with the person they claim to follow, Jesus. Their idol is money, and their prophet is Ayn Rand, and their virtue is selfishness. They have a cruel streak, really, and they have shaped their brand of Christianity to justify their cruelty. But in reality they are exactly the same as the pharisees who despised Jesus and had him crucified. If they ran into Jesus today, they'd do the same thing all over again, and gleefully.

In the good state of Missouri, known for having one of the highest concentrations of "christians" in the entire "bible belt," the leaders refused to accept federal funds for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) but they did fork out millions to pay for better chemicals to be used in lethal injection of people. They are against paying any tax money to help the sick, but they are not opposed to using tax money to kill people. It says a lot about their "christianity."