Quote Originally Posted by capecoddah View Post
So 'Press TV' and 'RT' aren't being beamed into every TV in the world.

I think the comments on both sites reveal the reason why.

"Because the Zionist Jew Rothchild banking cabal won't allow it.
Oh, and death to AmeriKKKa!"

With a target audience like that, how am I going to take them seriously?

It would be nice to read some news (just the facts ma'am) from and about their respective countries without the bias that The Colonialist American Oppressors blah, blah, blah.

From the Press TV comments:
"...It looks as Zionits are trying actively infest Russia AGAIN....." Russia talking to Iran
"go Frankenstorm, go! Take out as much of this sick country as you can!" A hurricane
" We have witnessed so many cases of drug cheating by zionist "athletes" over the years " Lance Armstrong.

Somehow it strikes me as odd that Iran protests Press TV not being shown because it's not a sound business decision while trying to isolate itself from outside influences.
"I think the comments on both sites reveal the reason why." Why?

I suppose the target audience of ABC/NBC/CBS (news), CNN, MNBC and Fox News is a better one? Of course, these news sources have no bias. In fact, the entire smorgasbord of MSM news doesn't have a bias, Of course not.

I see any mention of the word, 'Zionist' puts up blinders for you, automatically. It sounds like your mind is made up and you're conditioned to think one way only. It's no surprise that the poster who concurs, i.e. Eric, thinks the same.

I don't care what country it is. Banning and censorship is usually a violation of freedoms.