If that's how you justify the hypocrisy, so be it.


Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
1) This is a forum about Russia and its language. Nobody comes here to learn about the USA. Anything I say about the USA is peripheral.

2) If you disagree with anything I say about the USA, then just prove me wrong, if you can.

3) Rest assured that I would never go to an American forum about English language and the USA and start being hostile and critical, or insult Obama and American history.

4) The reason the USA comes up is because it was Russia's enemy for a long time, and because the USA today is intervening in areas near Russia, and is constantly criticizing Russia. We don't mention other large countries like China, India or Brazil here, because they mind their own business, while the US, NATO and EU consider themselves moral authorities qualified to judge other countries, like Russia. I think that notion is bollocks.