Quote Originally Posted by hddscan View Post
There are Serbs, Swedes, Greeks, Poles, French, Spaniards, Canadians, Americans fighting on rebels' side on the East of Ukraine. Should "the world" punish those countries too?
An American rebel in Ukraine | The Wider Image | Reuters
Несколько волонтеров из Испании прибыли в Донецк для помощи населению |
Греки воюют в рядах ополченцев ДН
Was anybody accusing those countries with supplying military equipment, personnel etc. at the beginning?!? Are any of them in the FSB or Russian army or part of the Government of any of those countries? How does a section of territory of a country suddenly have full blown military equipment that can take on an army anyway (without assistance)?

I am fully against both sides but your question is rather ridiculous, sorry.