Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom View Post
For a GLBTG, they are very much two different candidates. One supports Marriage Equality and one does not.
I'm "GLBT," but I oppose "Marriage Equality" as Obama defines it. On the other hand, I support federally-recognized "Civil Unions" in all 50 states, and I've been consistently pissed off by the lack of "proactive" support for Civil Unions among most Republicans, including Romney.

Which reminds me that earlier I had occasion to look up the "standard" Russian translation for an immortal phrase from Romeo and Juliet: Чума пади на оба [их] дома! (In the original, it's actually "your houses," but it's commonly paraphrased as "their houses." For that matter, it's often misquoted as "pox", оспа, rather than "plague", чума.)

ЗЫ: And another immortal phrase: В этом нельзя винить меня, я проголосовал за Кодоса!!