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Thread: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

  1. #141
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Good, bad, ugly? Or have you got the same cynical view on Ukrainian polics as on Russian polutics?
    Probably worse

    Seriously though, Yanukovich was a pro-Russian politician 8 years ago and I doubt anything has changed. He represents the eastern Ukraine (starting from the left bank of the Dnepr river) and the people there are pro-Russian too. And of course he's much better than Timoshenko. But people change in 8 years and so do the circumstances. We'll see.
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  2. #142
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Seriously though, Yanukovich was a pro-Russian politician 8 years ago and I doubt anything has changed. He represents the eastern Ukraine (starting from the left bank of the Dnepr river) and the people there are pro-Russian too. And of course he's much better than Timoshenko. But people change in 8 years and so do the circumstances. We'll see.
    Now Timoshenko would be much more preferable to Putin from the economical point of view. Even in 2004 Yanukovich was good for Russian big/state busyness only as a guarantee of political succession and stability but not as a handy economical lobbyist. He is bought by the big Eastern Ukrainian busyness (which does not need Russian competitors in Ukraine) and is expected to act as a protectionist in economics.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  3. #143
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Всё будет видно скоро, кто для кого предпочтителен.

    Всем привет

  4. #144
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by FromGalich
    Всё будет видно скоро, кто для кого предпочтителен.

    Всем привет
    И тебе привет! Добро пожаловать!
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  5. #145
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Timoshenko's going to challenge the results in court.

    Кстати, что такое майдан?

    Юлия Тимошенко: "Я приняла единственно возможное решение - обжаловать результаты выборов в суде. Я буду на основании юридических аргументов защищать наше государство, ваш выбор. Я не буду собирать майданы и не допущу публичных гражданских противостояний
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

  6. #146
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    It’s Ukrainian, I guess, for a square, plaza, meeting place, where Ukrainians get together to badmouth newly elected presidents.

  7. #147
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    I believe 'maidan' is sort of a synonym for the word 'revolution' in Ukraine. She says "I'm not going to call political meetings on Maidan to make a revolution".
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  8. #148
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Павло ТИЧИНА

    * * *

    На майдані коло церкви
    революція іде.
    — Хай чабан! — усі гукнули,—
    за отамана буде.

    Прощавайте, ждіте волі,—
    гей, на коні, всі у путь!
    Закипіло, зашуміло —
    тільки прапори цвітуть…

    На майдані коло церкви
    постмутились матері:
    та світи ж ти їм дорогу,
    ясен місяць угорі!

    На майдані пил спадає.
    Замовкає річ…


  9. #149
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk
    Timoshenko's going to challenge the results in court.

    Кстати, что такое майдан?

    Юлия Тимошенко: "Я приняла единственно возможное решение - обжаловать результаты выборов в суде. Я буду на основании юридических аргументов защищать наше государство, ваш выбор. Я не буду собирать майданы и не допущу публичных гражданских противостояний
    "Майдан" в буквальном смысле в переводе с украинского - "площадь". В переносном смысле - "лобное место", Roman forum, место для совершения публичных действий. В русском языке для этого используется слово "улица/улицы": "народ вышел на улицы с требованиями..."
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  10. #150

    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Yeah, I saw a clip where she said (in Ukrainian!) that Yanukovich only won through cheating. She is very convincing! Don't know what to believe. 2nd largest country in Europe and nobody has any idea what's really going on, or where the country will be heading in the future!

  11. #151
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    She is very convincing!
    Oh... Really????
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  12. #152
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Why not? Being convincing is the only thing she is good at.
    If she hadn't the talent to talk herself out of trouble, she'd probably have been in jail already.

  13. #153

    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Oh... Really????
    Well, you have to remember, I've lived in the UK for 8 years. I hadn't heard of Timoshenko at all until about 8 months ago.
    The interest in Ukraine here is very low. A lot of people seriously couldn't find it on a map. Remember "Borat"? The fact that such a silly film could become popular proves how ignorant people in the UK are about everything east of.. Germany..

    I started reading the Swedish papers online, partly because I knew that they write more about ex USSR countries. Also I thought they'd take more balanced view on Russia and I was getting seriously bored about reading British stories about the alleged aggressiveness of Russia. . But the outlook in Sweden turned out to have changed since I left. Now I've noticed that the new view is relatively suspicious of Russia. I also notice a lot of irritatation towards the Baltic states for some complicated issues relating to the longstanding relations across the Baltic sea.

    But I also noticed that people in Sweden have lately become very interested in both Ukraine and Belarus. But I think the politics in those countries are so complex that many of the journalists simply don't understand what's going on, or what the real issues are. Sometimes they are just reporting events without attempting to analyse, or they appear uninformed. Other times it's clear that they got the story from an English speaking source instead of checking local sources themselves.

    About the Ukraine elections they are saying that independent observers have stated that the election was honest, so the view is that Yanukovich won and Timoshenko is critisised for not facing reality.

  14. #154
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    About the Ukraine elections they are saying that independent observers have stated that the election was honest, so the view is that Yanukovich won and Timoshenko is critisised for not facing reality.
    Once she won the revolution after the lost elections. Now she knows that revolution is more effective way to influence reality than elections.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  15. #155
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Oh... Really????
    Well, you have to remember, I've lived in the UK for 8 years. I hadn't heard of Timoshenko at all until about 8 months ago.
    The interest in Ukraine here is very low. A lot of people seriously couldn't find it on a map.
    Well, Johanna, you have to know that any politician sounds very convincing, otherwise (s)he is not a professional politician. So you shouldn't trust a political oratory just because the speech is well written, especially if you know almost nothing about the politician.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  16. #156

    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Oh... Really????
    Well, you have to remember, I've lived in the UK for 8 years. I hadn't heard of Timoshenko at all until about 8 months ago.
    The interest in Ukraine here is very low. A lot of people seriously couldn't find it on a map.
    Well, Johanna, you have to know that any politician sounds very convincing, otherwise (s)he is not a professional politician. So you shouldn't trust a political oratory just because the speech is well written, especially if you know almost nothing about the politician.
    True... Some of them seem a bit less trustworthy than others though. Plus I have a habit of trusting female politicians just a tiny bit more than male ones, and usually also green/red people a bit more than conservatives. Probably silly though but I like to think the best of people...

    Timoshenko is clearly not some blue-eyed idealist, particularly in view of her background as a businesswoman in the 1990s. I *wanted* to believe in her, I guess. Don't know too much about Yanukovich other than that he is supposedly "pro-Russia", whatever that means.

    In the UK there are a few senior politicians that actually have a bit of conscience and integrity, although not in excess.... Same thing in Sweden, but the politicians there are more like bureacrats. They never have to campaign based on their own merits, just on the merits of the party they belong to.

  17. #157
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Своим указом Виктор Янукович переименовал секретариат президента в администрацию главы государства. «Создать администрацию президента Украины, ликвидировав секретариат президента», — говорится в указе.

    Вот все-таки не пойму, прямо сразу все переделывают под себя. А потом гимн начнут переписывать, менять конституцию и пр.
    English Edition

    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  18. #158
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by mishau_
    Своим указом Виктор Янукович переименовал секретариат президента в администрацию главы государства. «Создать администрацию президента Украины, ликвидировав секретариат президента», — говорится в указе.
    И чего? Просто официально оформленный повод быстро избавится от старой команды Ющенко и поставить у власти преданную себе команду. Она пока не такая большая, потому и сокращение. Со временем тоже разрастётся.

    Quote Originally Posted by mishau_
    Вот все-таки не пойму, прямо сразу все переделывают под себя. А потом гимн начнут переписывать, менять конституцию и пр.
    Лично мне бы очень импонировало введение русского языка в качестве второго государственного. Успешных прецедентов в мире навалом.

  19. #159
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Во сколько кубометров газа это обойдётся?
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  20. #160
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Ukraine Elections 2010 + various political off-topics

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Во сколько кубометров газа это обойдётся?
    Что именно? Новая команда или язык? Кстати, само количество газа особого значения не имеет. Важнее величина отката. Тогда и газ никто считать не будет.

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