Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
One of the issues with that is a language is learnt in the context of a culture. English is widespread now due to the IT culture. d u expec r futer gens speak tther bffs ws tis typ olang?
Pbly wrse )

I think there might be many ways to implement a move to a neutral artificial language. For example, the UN can make that language one of their official languages requiring all their documents being translated to that language. That would breed a new generation of translators.
And yes, there will be about two dozen people who speak it. I

I think, that might be a smart political move to some of the countries which oppose a very specific culture, but still want to go global.
You won't be able to change it for those who already lives. You should separate children and their parents to bring a new culture into this world. Would you do that?

Christian missionaries acted like that (but they only taught children in schools, not permanently isolated them)