I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about CHINA, in light of their political views, their nationality or any other factors that influences your view.

I think that the Chinese language is very cool, and I know that Chinese people are hardworking and industrious.

  • But is China as a super power going to be good, evil or neither?
  • Does Russia, the USA or any other country have anything to fear from China?
  • How do Americans feel about China as their sugar daddy / creditor?
  • How do Russians feel about China being a neighbour super power, the fake Communism there or anything else that you have reflected on? China and Russia have been on/off enemies for centuries if I am not mistaken!

There really are some pretty serious restrictions on the press there - I came across it today at work. They are blocked from ALL video streaming sites for example. The censorship is really very efficient. I saw with my own eyes that they missed nothing, and it's really pretty cleverly set up. Working around it takes a fair amount of technical skills.

Is China a sinister country that is plotting for influence in Africa and the Middle East, as many are saying, or are they a remarkably decent super power that keeps its hands to itself and refrains from meddling in other countries?

I have not got a lot of experience with Chinese people from Mainland China, but it feels there is a quite a big cultural difference, a bit like with Indians.