I`m not a supporter of Mr. Khodorkovsky or YUKOS but find the prosecution of the former managers of that company too unjust. Our fair court condemned Svetlana Bakhmina to 7 years of jail. She has worked for YUKOS Legal Departament as assistante of the chief recently. Now she is under an accusation of complicity in plundering of “Tomskneft” and tax dodging.
Svetlana has got two children (3 and 7 years old). The court couldn`t prove that she was beneficiary party in plundering.
Seven years of jail is the lengthy term of imprisonment especially for woman.
I wonder why were the @#$$^&* bastards who had killed 9 years old tajic girl condemned to 1,5 – 5 years of jail? And why was the bastard who had hit the girl with a knife (for 11 times!!!) under an accusation of hooliganism?!![]()
The fascist murder is more inoffensive than plundering!!!
I can clearly understand why Khodorhovsky and Lebedev were condemned to! But I can hardly imagine how that woman could do harm to present officials. Do you think the punishment correspond to the crime?