View Poll Results: ARE YOU RACIST? Be honest! We wont know who posted it!

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  • Yes

    9 22.50%
  • No

    31 77.50%
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Thread: A Racist Poll

  1. #1
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    A Racist Poll

    So I want to know the truth, I want to know how many people are or arent Racist on this page!
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    I am not
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    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  4. #4
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    Clarify the term, first of all
    -- Да? Коту Ваське, бл##?
    -- Нет, Я кот Васька :-/

  5. #5
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    Я так думаю.

  6. #6
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Tailors
    Clarify the term, first of all
    В этом случае расист - любой, кто не соглашается с Iamjames!
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  7. #7
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    Опрос не нужен, чтобы узнать, кто из нас расист.
    "С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Tailors
    Clarify the term, first of all
    В этом случае расист - любой, кто не соглашается с Iamjames!
    Хорошо, нет больше вперед, являются Вами расист, сделайте Вы думаете, что другие люди, которые не походят на Вас, неправы!

    Correct my russian, I am a bit rusty.
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yazeed
    Опрос не нужен, чтобы узнать, кто из нас расист.
    I dont know what you mean... What?
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamjames
    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Tailors
    Clarify the term, first of all
    В этом случае расист - любой, кто не соглашается с Iamjames!
    Хорошо, нет больше вперед, являются Вами расист, сделайте Вы думаете, что другие люди, которые не походят на Вас, неправы!

    Correct my russian, I am a bit rusty.
    iamjames, could you please say that in English so it could be more clear?

    Yazeed told you that, "No poll is necessary to know wether someone here is racist or not."

    As for me, I am not.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    Quote Originally Posted by iamjames
    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Tailors
    Clarify the term, first of all
    В этом случае расист - любой, кто не соглашается с Iamjames!
    Хорошо, нет больше вперед, являются Вами расист, сделайте Вы думаете, что другие люди, которые не походят на Вас, неправы!

    Correct my russian, I am a bit rusty.
    iamjames, could you please say that in English so it could be more clear?

    Yazeed told you that, "No poll is necessary to know wether someone here is racist or not."

    As for me, I am not.
    Oops sorry... Um, what I think I meant to say was that, in terms of racism, do you think that someone that is different from you is wrong.

    yazeed is that I would like to know what I have around me, if you think that my poll was wrong then you dont have to participate in it. Unless if I have misunderstood once again? Sorry if I did.

    But I think that I am not going to be on MasterRussian anymore, I am kind of sick of being beat up on. I feel like everything that I say always thrown right back on me, like when I did a message about Marriage, all I got was a bunch of nothing, and yes I like that topic because it made people think, but I think I am done... Im not so certain yet, I like MR. Just, I dont know I feel like a dont fit. Maybe I am just taking it WAY to personal, I dont know.


    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  12. #12
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    Dude, it wasn't against you. I was making a general statement, that's all. You're certainly free to do whatever you want and say whatever you need to say. I'm just saying that even with a poll I wouldn't know who is racist (participants are hidden) but I can pretty much guess who is..

    But if you want to leave, oh well. It was nice meeting you.
    "С чий очи сънувам, чий е този лик обречен?
    Смъртен глас ми се причува и отеква с вик далечен
    Как да зърна да погледна, чуждий образ да прегърна,
    на лицето ми студено грях в надежда да превърна.."

  13. #13
    DDT is offline
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    Maybe I am just taking it WAY to personal,
    Yes, you are. There is no need to take anything personal at MR. It doesn't matter. This is just "the internet".
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  14. #14
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    Ok, first of all I am not a DUDE I am femal.

    I wasnt saying the reason WHY exactly I was leaving. I am not saying it was because of you, I really dont think I belong here, I have been doing MR now for like a year and a half, and I dont think I have learned new vocabulary, and I know that you didnt mean it like that, but honestly I have no idea who it could be, and I could care less who it was, I just think that it is something to post.
    DDT Yes this may be "just the internet" BUT there are real people behind all of these words, and some things that can be said, expecally in a foreign laguage can be missunderstood. I think I have a problem saying things in the worng context, and not thinking about how other people will take it, and what I mean.

    I wish there was a class in schooling teaching you how to express yourself the way you want instead of you sounding like a big bafoon and making it unclear.
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  15. #15
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    LIke I said. It doesn't matter. You have to fight for your place here. We all have our internet personalities and you will find yours, too. MR is a wealth of information. There are many links to dictionaries and other resources that are posted here by members that will help improve your Russian. Don't throw it all away over silly internet disagreements.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  16. #16
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    Re: A Racist Poll

    Quote Originally Posted by iamjames
    So I want to know the truth, I want to know how many people are or arent Racist on this page!
    please define precisely the term racist.
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

  17. #17
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    When a n1gger defends his "homies" it is considerd struggle for his rights, when a white defends his kin, it is considered racism.

    -- Да? Коту Ваське, бл##?
    -- Нет, Я кот Васька :-/

  18. #18
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    A phrase by David Lane:

    «We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children»
    Racism? You say yes.

    If we just replace 1 word.

    «We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Colored children»
    Defending the rights of colored? You say yes.
    -- Да? Коту Ваське, бл##?
    -- Нет, Я кот Васька :-/

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    LIke I said. It doesn't matter. You have to fight for your place here. We all have our internet personalities and you will find yours, too. MR is a wealth of information. There are many links to dictionaries and other resources that are posted here by members that will help improve your Russian. Don't throw it all away over silly internet disagreements.
    Very ture. I wont let myself get all worked up over nothing. I have just been doing that lately, with everything!
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  20. #20
    Почётный участник
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Tailors
    A phrase by David Lane:

    «We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children»
    Racism? You say yes.

    If we just replace 1 word.

    [quote:1kl4wy34]«We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Colored children»
    Defending the rights of colored? You say yes.[/quote:1kl4wy34]

    I agree completely...

    Anyways, as for the poll-- I voted 'yes' because from societies viewpoint many of my ideas are racist... I don't think anyone should get special treatment just because their ancestors were treated poorly (ie. sold by their own kindman into slavery) or whatever. Then again, I don't judge people on a personal level until they give me reason to or I have gotten to know them well enough (no matter the color of their skin).

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