You can't let people live in your house who are incompatible with your families values. Everyone agrees on this! This is not racism.
Why can't you see that it is the same for everything..... including countries?
Ask the Maoris or the American Indians what their ancestors thought of the arrival of "the White Man."
If you want to keep your country you must be careful of who you let in.
Just look at what has been happening in Australia now. Our culture has always been one that has had low crime and race issues. Since Australians live mostly along the coasts, they also love to wear small swimming suits and spend time on the beach.
Recently we have allowed the arrival of thousands of Muslims into Australia who have not adapted to Australian lifestyle. The Australian Federal Police have been finding Terrorist Cells amongst their populations. We have never had that before!
Lately, these Muslims have been coming to the beach but instead of swimming like the rest of the Australians they wait at the entrances for girls to walk onto the beach in their bikinis so they can spit on them and call them sluts and whores for wearing a bikini. They have no respect for the locals. They want to change our ways.
As a result we have had riots along the beaches between the people who hold real Australian values who are trying to defend their girls their culture, and Muslims who are trying to spit on them and make them put more clothes on. In one year there were over 50 incidents of Australian girls being gang raped by Muslim Lebanese gangs in one state alone. Only 5 were reported in the media.
I have seen the difference in Australia. I have watched it change to the point that I now know that the Australia that I grew up in, no longer exists. It exists now, only in my memory.
documentary on the media
If you Russians here at MR want to keep the Russia you love then you had better pay attention.....or you will soon have the problems that the West is facing now! Your Russia will disappear and be replaced with Mac-Russia.
Diversity does not work. It is a sick joke played on you all by people that took too many drugs in the 1960's. What works is the collection of people of similar language, culture and beliefs.