Hello, I just wanted to ask my Russian friends a question..

Since I was, I'd say 6 or 7, I was always fascinated with Russia. Perhaps it's because I watched too many Cold War movies when I was young and grew up staring at the model globe - one entire chunk of land occupied by the biggest country in the world. Something about Russia attracts me and it's something I cannot quite understand - some sort of deep admiration for it, I suppose. Well, I have two questions.

1. What is the situation in Russia politically? Are Russians generally in favor of the government, or against it? Do you feel Russia is progressing a lot, or only a little?

2. Is there really a big difference between the East and West? From my experience with many Russian friends, we are not very different at all. We go to work, to school, have similar hobbies, enjoy the same things (games, TV, going out to clubs or concerts, seeing friends, etc.). So, really, why does it feel like our countries are worlds apart? I believe that perhaps we are only taught to view people from other countries as 'different' from us, and therefor not understandable. However, I also wonder if America and Russia are always going to feel like they are too far away from one another to really appreciate each other. I know both countries have done some wrong in the past, but I do believe there is a lot we could do for one another to enhance the global situation.

Thoughts? Comments?