What?! NTV is closed?
Than that I watched yesterday evening must be some fake NTV. :P
Yes, it’s fake if you prefer that term.
The real NTV was the biggest private TV in Russia doing the most professional and pluralistic news.
Now it’s under state control and translates only what Kremlin likes. You never see on NTV people who opposite Kremlin (only exception was the pre-election debates as parties pay for their presentations).
Although I'm not Putin, I must admit I dislike "businessmen" like Khodorkovsky or Al Capone too.
It’s OK until you’re not a president and don’t let your prosecutor arrest him before trial.
I'm afraid, that if he will be in Majorca before trial, getting him back for the trial could be certain problem. That what "preemptive imprisonment" is for.
There is подписка о невыезде, the state border and the frontier force.
Ordinary job by KGB we in Russia know. That’s why I don’t like he’s a KGBman.
Funny. As we in Russia know, in the times then KGB existed, the "oligarchs" did not.
Please don’t cheat.You know what I meant.
Apparently Khodorkovsky became very politically active, when he faced the perspective of criminal charge. And he is not alone...
He’s been the biggest sponsor of Yabloko party since 1993.