maxmixiv, I'm really disappointed that you concur with that post. (Deleted. L.)
Dansk Folkeparti are just fake nationalists.
As for Ukraine, the same rhetoric gets stated ad nauseum. Pravy Sector and Svoboda are actually similar to DK in many ways except more open and aggressive about their positions. Yet, it's not what is asserted by the lying Kremlin media and much Western sources that repeat the same bogus accusations. These two groups have negotiated and communicated with the USA and Israel. Svoboda had Israeli IDF with them during Maidan. I guess it's easier to invent a boogyman so that you can have distractions. I have even discovered that many Ukrainians haven't realized this much. I know it's complicated and difficult to decipher but some things are apparent when you look at the big picture.
Anyway, at least some (e.g. bytemare) realize (Deleted. L.) So many here don't have a clue. Maybe stop taking what RT, CNN and other mainstream media state, as gospel?
In sum., both sides are bad and Ukrainians are stuck in the middle. Sucks for them. What a sad situation.