I understand that regular Ukrainians get upset that Russians and others are making a big issue out of Nazis in Ukraine. And of course, everyone realises that regular people there aren't nazis! Russian media is blowing this up a little bit more than necessary. But no smoke without fire!

There ARE people there who are nazis in Ukraine and they are having much more influence then they deserve. They were clearly involved in Euromaidan and they are responsible for a lot of violence. They defend open Nazis, make Nazi salutes and celebrate statues of known Nazis who committed genocide.

If you look at some of the atrocities that have happened, it certainly echoes of Nazi callousness.

If this had happened in isolation, if it had been just a part of Ukraine for whatever reason idolising nazis, or a large part of the population being apologetic about nazism, then I wouldn't care. I know they are doing it in Hungary, but there seem to be no victims, and they keep it internally in their own country.

It wouldn't affect anyone else if it was local in Western Ukraine, and there probabably aren't a lot of non-Europeans, Jews, Gypsies or whatever living there, so nobody really to be a victim. People should not be told what to think. Nazis were not all evil all of the time. If somebody wants to quitely admire that without disturbing anyone else, then let them.

My issue is that they were part of the coup d'etat and they are having influence in Kiev.

And more importantly: They were associated with a coup d'etat that the EU was openly promoting and celebrating.
Imagine if there was a coup d'etat in Germany, France, Spain or Italy, and Nazis were involved!

Imagine if Nazis in the UK started beating up people in the street, kidnapping them and putting buildings on fire, as has happened in Ukraine. It's unthinkable from an EU perspective.

But apparently in Ukraine it's absolutely fine,
these people are greeted by Merkel and photographed with Nuland, and we are supposed to applaud it.

While condemning at home anybody who even wants to have an honest debate about immigration and integration.