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a modest worker's dwelling.
Кому - нары, кому - Канары.
На мой взгляд он заслуживает. Ведь никто не работал более неустанно, чтобы покончить с коррупцией в России!
The most impressve thing is the undeground tunnel inside a cliff to a dock for his personal mini-sub.
Красиво жить не запретишь.
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
Интересно будет узнать, что это на самом деле. =)
No democratically elected leader should live in a palace!
That is for kings...
In fact, I think their finances should be carefully monitored by some kind of committe to make sure they don't get tempted to fiddle with state money. Leaders should be people who are passionate about doing a good job of leading a country, not people who care about being rich!
I have read that Putin is really one of the richest people in Russia (which already has some disgustingly rich people..) Not sure if this is malicious gossip as he himself says or true.
Короли и прочие самодержавные монархи все свое богатство хранили в собственном государстве, чего не скажешь о современных диктаторах, и всяких высоких постсоветских чиновниках. Бессмысленно со стороны западных политиков обвинять Россию в продажности и воровстве, до тех пор пока наворованные в России средства успешно инвестируются экономику западных стран. Это я так, думая про Лужкова и пр.
СпасибоПутинуЗаЭто - SapsiboPutinuZaEto
Есть выборы и как бы нету, #СПАСИБОПУТИНУЗАЭТО
Медведев оказался beta #спасибопутинузаэто
Россия в жопе, денег нету! #СПАСИБОПУТИНУЗАЭТО!
Взлетает красная ракета - #СПАСИБОПУТИНУЗАЭТО. Свалился в воду аппарат - #ПОХОДУДИМАВИНОВАТ.
а в украине газа нету #СПАСИБОПУТИНУЗАЭТО
Власть потеряла совесть где то. #спасибопутинузаэто
Есть президент и вроде нету #СПАСИБОПУТИНУЗАЭТО
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Бюллетень выборов президента РФ 2012:
Вы не против, чтобы Путин снова стал президентом?
[ ] Да, не против
[ ] Нет, не против.
Кудрин: «Я посоветуюсь с премьером»
Медведев: «Пока я президент, такие решения я принимаю сам. Я сам посоветуюсь с премьером»
Yes, I agree that "the West" has treated Russia pretty badly. First doing everything in its power to sabotage for the USSR, then looting after it was dismantled, and now constantly critisizing things like "human rights" in Russia and uwarranted scaremongering about the Russian military.
What happened in the USSR, what happened afterwards and what problems there are (or aren't) with human rights inside of Russia, is the Russian peoples' problem. Likewise whether or not Russia is a democracy. Whatever the people there prefer, or ar prepared to put up with, should be accepted by other countries.
As a general rule, I think that national leaders ANYWHERE should ideally be people who are more interested in the welfare of their country, than by getting rich themselves.
If someone who is very interested in getting rich and living in a palace etc, becomes prime minister or president, it is not very hard to realise that he will be tempted to enrich himself and loose focus on what's best for the country.
I think they did not do enough. It would have been great if USSR dissolved sooner.First doing everything in its power to sabotage for the USSR
Locals looted it more than everyone else.then looting after it was dismantled
I certainly do not want to see this near my hometown.and uwarranted scaremongering about the Russian military.
Russian tanks roll towards Tbilisi - 14 August 2008 - YouTube
So if someone is beaten on the street - it's his problem?What happened in the USSR, what happened afterwards and what problems there are (or aren't) with human rights inside of Russia, is the Russian peoples' problem.
Dictatorships are not what people prefer.Whatever the people there prefer, or ar prepared to put up with, should be accepted by other countries.
Dictatorship is only good for dictator and his henchmen.
If anyone does not like it - he is killed or otherwise silenced.
Democracy is slow, expensive and inefficient, but it is the ONLY form of government that has feedback from people.
Only democratically elected government can be at least partially called "what people prefer".
And only democratic countries have "self determination".
That is how democratic country's parliament's history should look like:Likewise whether or not Russia is a democracy.
Tautas Partija and Latvijas Ceļš fucked up - so they now do not have any representation in parliament.
Without revolution or bloodshed.
Russia with it's Eternal Vladimir ceirtainly do not look like that.
Putin can do whatever he wants - he will probably rule till the end of his life - if Russians do not start a revolution (and possibly civil war too).
Wow? Where did you get that? I thought everything was destroyed by FSB.
I thouhgt only lying Putin's propaganda like this remained:
A false analogy? OK. But even with this example, it's more or less true. Whose problem is it? If that someone is alone and has no relatives, etc then yes. Police? Don't make me laugh. Even in the most democratic country.
That's also not true. 95% of population will prefer someone to tell them what to do. Human brains consume too much energy and thinking is a very demanding process. Evolution arranged it so that we didn't like to think. It's difficult to think all time, it's quite easier to let someone think for you. If that what you wrote was true, we would have gotten rid of all dictatorships already.
Laughingly, even in democratic countries people like sheep believe in EVERY piece of BS their governments are feeding them through the media, and that's a big problem.
or simply ignored, how democrats prefer.
O'RLY? Even dictators listen to their subjects. And dictators receive more feedback from people than democratic leader who usually ignore their subjects completely once the election day is over. Dictators listen to people's minds via the secret police, and spies. Dictators inspire their subjects to spy and delate each other. LOL It's true, by the way.
O'RLY? Who told you that? Your teacher? Care to elaborate? What exactly is 'self determination' of a country? I hate something or someone you like, you hate someone or something I like. We dislike each other, live in the same country and we need our country to determine itself. Instead of having a general brawl we vote. OK. Majority rule, right? OK, but what about the minorities? Should I trust you (whom I dislike) enough to represent my interests?
A very educating picture, by the way. You had 8 parties, now you only have 5. In 20-30 years (your democracy is still very young) there will be only 1 or two left (if nothing major happens in the world). And then I think you'll remember what we were talking about today.
Unfortunately, Russian people are no exception to my thesis about 'people do not like to think and prefer someone to tell us what to do' so I don't think we're in any danger of revolution. United Russia will get their share of votes. Even if the elections were honest they would still get the majority. I'm practically sure about that. Alas, people are stupid.
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Well, according to one survey - only about 20% of Latvian population would want some kind of authoritarian leader.95% of population will prefer someone to tell them what to do.
It's difficult to think all time, it's quite easier to let someone think for you.
People might not trust parties or politicians - but most of them agree that democracy is better than authoritarism or dictatorship.
So most debate here is about what kind of democracy we need and how existing system can be improved.
Thought that we should ditch democracy altogether and let some batka rule over us instead is not very popular here.
And of course - not everyone is expert in things like economy, finance, etc. - so yes people elect others that should be more competent in these fields and think for them.
And if they do badly - they can be replaced.
Look again at that picture - Latvijas Ceļš and Tautas partija chose to ignore it's voters - so they are not in charge anymore.or simply ignored, how democrats prefer.
And then next elections can be sooner than expected.democratic leader who usually ignore their subjects completely once the election day is over.
This summer we dissolved our parliament after it served less than a year. And will dissolve next too if they fuck up again.
Yes - many people are stupid -I agree with that.United Russia will get their share of votes. Even if the elections were honest they would still get the majority. I'm practically sure about that. Alas, people are stupid.
But other thing - why parties like United Russia get majority is simple - there is no competition.
If legitimate opposition is suppressed and only clowns like Zhirinovsky are allowed to "compete", then sure as hell even party as shitty as United Russia can look good if it is next to clowns that are a lot worse.
If the only store in 1000 km radius sells only rotten fruits and half rotten fruits, then people of course will choose half rotten, to not die from starvation.
It does not mean that people are stupid if they eat half rotten - they have no other choice. (Of course they can try and kill owner of the store and break in his basement where fresh fruits are stored - and that would be a revolution)
If there appear fresh fruits, then people will choose them instead.
I do not think that there will be only one. Political competition is essential. And one party simply cannot represent all people, because thay have different interests.You had 8 parties, now you only have 5. In 20-30 years (your democracy is still very young) there will be only 1 or two left (if nothing major happens in the world).
And one party cannot even represent people with common interests, because there are more than one way to achieve something.
And if two or more parties are competing, they are forced to find better solutions to problems than their competitors.
But the real problem with dictatorships is - once dictator is in charge - he will not leave peacefully.
When we dissolved parliament - they stepped down without resistance - no one was killed or harmed.
When people of Libya wanted Gaddafi to step down - he sent tanks to them instead and country went into complete chaos.
The same with Syria now.
I definately prefer first way of changing those in charge.
Here we have a choice between Valdis Dombrovskis, Valdis Zatlers, Aivars Lembergs, Raivis Dzintars, Нил Ушаков, Татьяна Жданoк and many others.
In Russia you have only Vlad the Eternal.
I do not think that in a country with 142 million people there really really are not anyone better than Putin.
Никогда не забуду, как Fox News обгадились в собственные штаны.
The Fox News guests' tale about the Fox (Eng Subs) Part 1 - YouTube
You are right - RT is bullshit propaganda. "Правда" in English.I thouhgt only lying Putin's propaganda like this remained:
The crimes of georgian's army in S. Ossetia. - YouTube
And what's the big deal?Никогда не забуду, как Fox News обгадились в собственные штаны.
They were allowed to say that Saakashvilli was an aggressor.
Fox is the same bullshit as RT anyway.
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