Да уж, ну и каша у чела в голове...![]()
Да уж, ну и каша у чела в голове...![]()
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
Typographical error or gramattical error. I know my history.Originally Posted by vox05
[quote=крупскяа]I know my history.[/quote:3uaw9qs8]Originally Posted by vox05
Then why do you say "Leninist Centralist Economy" for example? If you are referring to the system known as "planned economy" then that started long after Lenin was dead! I am pretty sure it's got nothing to do with him. As far as I recall (from school!) Stalin started this practice in the 1930s. Lenin on the other hand, died some time in the early 1920s.
And on your other points: Stalin, Marx and Mao did not have a great deal in common! Stalin was a power-hungry politician, Mao was an Asian revolutionary and Marx a German political philosopher. They all came from different countries and died many decades apart. Your comment is roughly equivalent to saying that Adam Smith and Churchill were Roosevelt's predecessors.
We think that, cause US gov. do that.
Want me to continue? I have many words to say on that...not only me, I guess
Maoism and Marxism-Leninism-STalinism are 'bitter enemies'. Marxism-Leninism in the Philippines seeks power through parliamentary struggle. While Maoists want it the violent way or through armed struggle. The Moists use IEDs. They violate the principles laid down in the Geneva Convention. It =wouldn't be long until JAZA would finally be dispossessed and humiliated. I look forward to that day when he begs money from me to be used for his immigration fees. Reversal of fortune means that ========== would become my maid.I remember Jose Maria Sison, Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army giving orders to his henchman to assassinate a member of the Partido Komunista ng PIlipinas (Moscow oriented). The man who was supposed to be assassinated turned out to be a very very old man who was sweeping his yard. The henchman took pity on him and refused to do it. The would-be-assassin was later on assassinated by the Maoist Chairman Jose Maria Sison. Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (Moscow oriented) recently released a document detailing the crimes of the Maoist Chairman plus an appeal to the 'masses' that they 'do not intend to rule by coercion and nor challenge an all-powerful AFP and US Army into a lopsided battle where the latter has all the chances to win". I was a member of PKP from the year 1972-91. My father was a communist guerilla of the PKP during World War II. He was also a courier who had to sleep in the forest to catch malaria, a disease caused by mosquito bites, thereby damaging his bone marrow due to medication. He died in USA when I was 7. I was a trade union organizer for World Federation of Trade Unions which was based in Moscow. Up to this point in time I am stilll feel bitter of Gorbachev's betrayal. Since it would be impractical nowadays to be a full-pledged communist, I still write articles in Moscow News. The last article I wrote was A Perusal of Gorbachev's Statements. It was an essay lamenting the poor working conditions near Gorbachev's residence in New York where blacks lay huddled on their housing pavements without having had dinner or lunch...etc. etc.
Heartfelty and Krupskaya are definitely the same person.
Fixed.Originally Posted by Hanna
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
I wish they would just left us alone and went somewhere else.Originally Posted by Hanna
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
You can just ban this thing anytime, what's the problem?Originally Posted by Lampada
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
I cannot be banned under the rules of this forum. There was no ill-intent nor malice. It was a trick I have been playing on MSantor who is the son of the terrorist Jose Maria Sison of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army. He attained the status of a moderator in Philippine DEfense Forces Forum. It was a trick by the Armed Forces of the Philippines to trap him into committting the crime of "violating my rights to free speech and press" by having me banned in the forum which he did, They asked money from him something to the amount of 10 millionn pesos. Once the money was handed to Philippinne National Police, a warrant of surveillance was served on him for the crimes of terrorismm, violation of free speech and press. AFP used the money as a generating capital for poor orphans of AFP. At the same time the terrorist MSantor is neutralized by Canadian authorities and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for terrorizing Canadian citizens specifically me and my family. The trick in this forum is an email from MSantor or Janos Sison to complain that I have two usernames the intent of which is to trick him into violalting m y free speech. Is there a criminal law that applies to my case? NONE!! I did it for my own safety. The problem is fixed, Msantor would go to jail in a few weeks. (How would I refute his allegationns under one username if he did ban me? I have to have another one to clear my name invoking free speech). If you want money, make him moderator and ask him for bribes which is silly for you.
Originally Posted by крупскяа
This makes perfect sense......So to cut a long story short, you admit that you have two accounts?
Yes, the honorable moderator, I have two accounts. I am willing to suffer the consequences but the law will take its course. Not on any one of this forum or any moderator of this forum but on MSantor. If I get banned I will file a criminal case against MSantor for violating my rights to free speech and free press. Then I will file a personal injury lawsuit to the amount of 20 million dollars. I million will go to the maintenance of this forum. 19 million will be generating capital for orphans of AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines)/ Remember, there is no criminal intent that applies to my case and MSantor considers it a criminal misdemeanour!!
The comments that you have been making recently are not relevant for this forum. You are wasting your own time and ours.
Try this site instead: http://www.philippine-politics.com/
It has articles on political issues relating to the Philippines and it allows comments.
Nobody here understands you or have an interest in the topics that you bring up.
Future Russian diplomats to the Philippines and Putin should know. We owe Putin the latest delivery of Russian logistics to fight the NPA. But I am ceasing to invoke such topics from now on.
And I would not complain if moderators ban me for having two usernames. I was asking for it. The only favour I
want from you is for you and moderators to forgive me. From now on I will stick with Krupskaya. Thank you
for your very kind consideration.
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