Let me shortly explain what’s going on at the land by the sea and practise in my horrible English.

Blazon of Liffland province

Russians like many other nations lived in Livonia, Lettgallia and Cureland many ages ago. I did not make any mistakes here because Latvia was founded only in 1918 and right before that this territory was named as “Лифляндская губерния” (Liffland province) and was a part of Russian Empire. The national self-consciousness movement was initiated by group of students from Liffland province who was learning at St. Petersburg. They were the most educated part of future Latvian society who was creating the country of Latvia. Latvia incorporated Cureland and the biggest part of Livonia (Northern part of Livonia gets into Estonia). I asked many persons but the question still have no answer “When was officially established the Latvian writing”. My estimation is about 1924 because I saw banking documents dated 1922 in Latvian but this one is written with German ABC.

Blazon of Latvia

After the war and civil war Latvia becomes democratic parliament republic and in 1920 the first elections in Saeima (Latvian parliament) were held. It was continuing as far as 1934. The Great Depression brought an economic to crisis and Prime Minister of Latvia Karlis Ulmanis brakes an action of constitution and dismisses Saeima. In 1936 he established a position of president and takes it. He seized absolute power and kept it by special military forces (aizsargi) but it was a salvation for the sinking economy.

Karlis Ulmanis

The most disputable period of Latvian history is 1939-1940 years. The German military machine was started up and Soviet government propose to sign a document “Pact of defence and mutual assistance” to avoid German aggression. This pact made possible a station of Soviet Army in Latvia, and it was signed 5 Oct 1939. 16 Jun 1940 Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov presented an ultimatum. The USSR prosecuted Latvia in transgressing the pact. In accordance with the ultimatum, Latvia and Estonia did not abolish military union against USSR and made opposite of that (involved Lithuania, and is trying to involve Finland). 17 Jun 1940 Soviet Army crossed the Latvian border and got to the stations without any resistance. 21 Jul 1940 Latvia was annexed to the USSR and becomes LPSR (Latvijas Padomju Socialistiska Republika).

Blazon of LPSR

In 1941 German Army invaded in Baltic lands. Baltic Republic and part of Belarus becomes Ostland. This war had divided Latvian nation. Many of people were offended by Soviet orders especially who lost his property. First of all, Ostland authorities needed in police forces to keep orders and fight with guerrillas. First squads absolutely consisted of volunteers. The most cruelty was applied by squad of Viktors Arajs. The squad of Viktors Arajs killed at the time of the war about 50 thousands of people (many of them was Jews). Also interesting information you can found here.
In 1943 Germans have a deficit of an infantry in the East front, and they start to recruit a Latvian SS division. Up to the end of war, two divisions were recruited (N15 and N19) but there was a few of volunteers. SS division N15 also included police squads. At the end of war the part of Latvian SS divisions gave up to Latvian Red Army infantry corps N130. You can read about details here.

In the Soviet times, LPSR was a part of the USSR. The advantage of LPSR is position by the Baltic Sea. This one is not frozen in the winter. That’s the reason because there are two big harbours in the west side (Liepaja and Ventspils). Ventspils harbour has an oil terminal and oil pipeline from Russia (now it’s absolutely dry). Liepaja (Либава) harbour was the famous military harbour (now it’s the cargo harbour).

Эскадра 29 сентября (1904 года) приближалась к Либаве. Я смотрел вперед, туда, где обозначились песчаные берега. За ними, немного отступив от моря, густо раскинулся лес, покачиваясь от ветра, словно тяжко взбираясь на возвышение. По мере нашего приближения выплывали из туманной мглы здания порта-Александра III, фабричные трубы, огромный элеватор. Миновав плавучий маяк, эскадра зашла за каменный волнолом и бросила якорь в довольно просторном аванпорте. Ушедшие вперед миноносцы стояли уже здесь.
Военный порт еще не был окончательно оборудован. Он расширялся и достраивался. Со временем он должен будет заменить собою Кронштадт и стать первым портом на Балтийском море и главной базой нашего флота. А пока большое оживление было лишь в Коммерческой гавани. Не замерзая зимою, она работала круглый год. Вот почему со всех концов России катились вагоны в Либаву, подвозя сюда экспортные товары: хлеб, масло, жмыхи. А отсюда сотни пароходов под флагами разных наций, наполнив грузом трюмы, расходились по иностранным портам.
Алексей Силыч Новиков-Прибой. „Цусима”.

Bulk cargo harbour in Liepaja

Not only oil pipeline is in Latvia. The greatest in the USSR gas storage was (and is) placed nearby the town Inchukalns. It’s impossible to extract gas whole year. The gas from Russia goes through the gas pipeline and pumps into an area between ground layers. Later, that gas pumps out and can be used.
LPSR was going to be industrial state. Many of high educated specialists and high skill workers were invited by the Soviet government to LPRS, and in 1990 the part of other nations was close to 50%. (The part of Russians was about 12% in 1930s. I don’t have information about other nations.) The official language was Russian; each street label has Latvian and Russian names. There were two kinds of schools with Latvian and Russian languages, University groups, and etc, but the main language was Russian.

Perestroyka times were like the winds of change. At the end of the 80s economic was finally ruined, and the idea of new live without Russia was raised. The most interesting fact is the many of communist chiefs become most active capitalists and anticommunists. The head of LPSR Anatolijs Gorbunovs and ex-secretary of ideology of the committee of communist party becomes Prime Minister of Latvia; the head of comsomol organisation Valerij Kargin becomes owner of the biggest Latvia bank (Parex banka). All of that was made possible by Russian “democrats” who tussled, at this same time, with other “democrats”. Eltsin was one of them. It was not a secret about his visit to Riga and his negotiation with Gorbunovs. The flash of nationalism in republics was used by Russian leaders to seize the power. Of course, the support of republics was honoured by the independence.
Many of Latvian people dreams about independence because it was a chance to change live without any advices from “communists”; it’s a dream up to now. The nationalism is only tool to get influence over the people and rob national money.

Russian-language people live principally in big cities like Riga, Daugavpils, Liepaja and Ventspils. It was hard to grow nationalism there because Latvians, Russians, Jews, Belarus, Polishes, Germans and others live together as the neighbours. The main power of nationalism was and is communist losers, specialist and scientist losers, and later inheritors of ethnic Latvians from other countries who escaped from the communist rules in 1940-1945. In other words, they were and are the persons who had no idea about Latvia. The last Supreme Soviet of LPSR election in 1989 was defiantly ignored by many of Russians but results of election were not called off. After the referendum of independence (about 78% said “yes” for independence), and Supreme Soviet made decisions:
1. Latvia was occupied by the USSR in 1940.
2. Latvia’s citizens are only citizens of “old” Latvia (before 17 July 1940).
3. The official language in Latvia is only Latvian language.
… and etc.
This is the way how it is happened. About third of Latvian people lost citizenship at all in one day. The opposite opinion says they never had this one. I personally don’t understand this opinion.

Many of those ombudsmen have work only because of non-citizens are exist. The Ministry of Integration is an example. Some ombudsmen wanted to gain on Latvian language but new generation of ethnic Latvians don’t speak (or speak poor) Russian language. In other hand, Russian language is still popular and many of young specialists who don’t speak Russian can’t found a job in Riga and Daugavpils. It forces politicians to accelerate an integration (actually, assimilation) politics. I think and hope it will never happen. Actually, it’s not specific only for Latvians. Some “Russian” parties use this situation but in other side. If non-citizenship annulled they would lost places in Saeima.

Russian schools are under “reformation” now. I sure you have seen Eurovision-2003 in Riga but only few of you know about demonstrations at that time. So called “Reform 2004” forces the Russian high schools to teach 60% of subjects in Latvian language, except Latvian history, and etc. First of all, it’s not a first (and not a second one) unfriendly step of Latvian Saeima; secondly, schools are not ready for that (books, teachers, methods, and etc.). This reform deteriorates quality of school education and rise enmity of Russian-speakers, but it’s not a reason for village “ministers”. The most disgusting is some officials and politicians threaten to students, principals and teachers of Russian schools. However, Latvian-speaking people and Russian-speaking people are still friendly to each other.

Some Russian politicians pretend to protect Russians in Latvia. It curiously coincides to the Russian election. It looks so funny in Latvia because they are not accurate with facts and have information just for populism. Trust me; you would not want to listen about “Russian help” from Latvian Russians.

The positive moment is we have the economic rules now. This one forces to search stability and consolidation with other nations but the times of nationalists is not finished right now.