Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
Войны не будет: Китай не поддержит. Так что все по домам!

It would seem that The Diplomat forgot to inform China.

Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post

И кошки и все звери должны скрести на душе, когда идут на братоубийство" "
Fratricide already happened in the USA. They called it the Civil War... 12 April 1861 to 9 April 1865.

Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
Соскучились по гробам
History is replete with horror... All over the globe.

Quote Originally Posted by diogen_ View Post
Много букв. Ниасилил. ))
Зато покажу тут, как один австралийский казак рисует будущий «глобус» Украины. Оптимист, однако)).
Bookmarked. I will be following him since our 1-sided media has banned everything else.
I am an American, not a Russian, so I should not be involved in this blood feud. But our leaders think I should be.
For the first time, since the Covid pandemic, we have lots of empty shelves in the stores, unbelievable inflation, shortages of groceries, and extremely expensive gas prices.
I'm even mildly concerned that wearing my Sukhoi-27 T-shirt - made in Uzbekistan & printed in Moscow - makes me a moving target. I think only my money makes me immune.

But since my government is pushing me into this Russian matter, I want to, at least, be able to hear all sides.
Oleg of Novgorod, Vladimir the Great, the Byzantine Empire, & the trade route that passes through Kiev convince me that Ukraine is, historically, an intimate part of Russia. That's why I consider what's happening, a Civil War. But how politicians & military strategists view this is, of course, entirely different. I only hope they don't push this to the brink of a World War. - Not that I would mind fighting and dying but I would like for that to be for something worth dying for. And that would not be for money or power.