= blah, blah, blah...
FACT: 1. Pro-Putin people refuse to believe anything other than pro-Kremlin/Putin information. Norossiya/rebel side always says the truth; never lies, according to them. Any other source is a lie. This is their logic in a nutshell. They think everyone else is ignorant or lying.
I guess you referring to me, while I can't say that I'm 100% pro-Putin I'll reply to it.
I read several sources of information:
Ukrainian source pravda.com.ua
DPR source - rusvesna.su
Russian source - ria.ru
UK source - theguardian.com
I used to check CNN but they don't publish a lot of info about Ukraine, so I stopped following it
I also watch videoblog of this guy https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Шарий,...ольевич
I believe facts, all 4 official sources have been caught by me of telling lies, all of them, so I cannot say that rebel side never lies.
I don't know what conclusion you would draw from it but it is what it is.
FACT: 1. Pro-Putin people refuse to believe anything other than pro-Kremlin/Putin information. Norossiya/rebel side always says the truth; never lies, according to them. Any other source is a lie. This is their logic in a nutshell. They think everyone else is ignorant or lying.
Last time I'll repeat it since you are evasive each time.
Crocodile, don't be so ridiculous. All your political posts correspond with Pro-Putin views, enough that you can be included. You should move to Russia since it's Putin you worship. Why aren't you there?
Anyway, that's not true. I'm pro-Putin and I believe that Chirardelli makes the most epic dark chocolate squares in the world. I never heard President Putin or the Kremlin say that. I believe a lot of stuff that they may or may not believe.
But hey, I would still vote for Vladimir Putin if he was a Presidential candidate in the US.
More on-topic:
The separatists now control Debaltseve and the Ukrainian troops are surrendering en masse.
Украинская армия бежала из Дебальцева, бросив пушки, одеяла и… фашистcкую каску
Meanwhile back in Kiev, the Verkovna Rada must be getting worried since they are making legislation to stop free speech and freedom of the press.
5yrs for ‘denying Russian aggression’: Ukraine may criminalize anti-war speech — RT News
Just curious. Has Kiev sent any new 2008 photos of Russian troops in Georgia to prove that Russia has invaded Ukraine? I do know that most phones have cameras so why is it so impossible for Kiev to get photos? Are they using radios from the Great Patriotic War to communicate with the Ukrainian troops?
I've seen tons of videos and photos of all the damages in Debaltseve today but STILL NO photos of Russian troops invading Ukraine.
Лучше смерть, чем бесчестие! Тем временем: Вечно молодой, Вечно пьяный. - Смысловые Галлюцинации, Чартова дюжина 2015!
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