Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
Who would want to trade with somebody like you. You decide later, on 2nd thought, you don't like how the deal went and then you end up at the door with a gun demanding it back.
Sorry. I didn't know we were discussing the Russian Mistrals. Btw, how much did Ukraine pay for Crimea?

Quote Originally Posted by eisenherz View Post

glad you found a culprit that would absolve the sowjet union of accountability back then and give justification for annexation now...
so easy... just blame Nikita Khrushchev

you should have told that logic to the Germans - it was Adolf Hitler, not us. Can you see the problem with this line of thinking?
When President Obama issues an Executive Order, that's NOT the fault of the government or the people. Nobody can stop his Executive Orders (Decrees).
Anyway, when I look at Eastern Ukraine I see death and destruction. When I look at Crimea I see life and peace.
So yeah, I totally DO support any country (like Russia) that gives a region (like Crimea) life and peace.

Imo, you should READ the article that SergeMak posted. I was VERY HAPPY to find it.
Who actually annexed the Crimea?

And NO I don't see any problem with my line of thinking.