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Thread: Latest from Ukraine

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  1. #11
    Почтенный гражданин 14Russian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
    Ok, so the deputies were forced to enable a vital question so that the people could vote. Why is the referendum a farce? I'm honestly not getting it.
    Here's an example. The province of Newfoundland joined Canada after the WWII as a result of the referendum. The decision was made in a very narrow margin.
    The majority of people, as you might know, wanted to join the US, but the Britain-appointed government did not even ask that question.
    I honestly think the Newfoundland's referendum was a farce. Do you?
    Perhaps. I'm not an expert on this subject, though. There is controversy about it and people are allowed to freely debate it (unlike some places).

    Was the referendum result the truth? - Ed Roberts - The Compass

    Imho, it's not comparable to the Crimea situation. They didn't have army pointing guns at people's heads, I suspect.

    Quote Originally Posted by SergeMak View Post
    The brazen lie #2 is:
    "We had absolutely no support from the people, not to mention the army."
    He didn't say that. In reality he says that they didn't have any support from the government authorities. Government authorities are not all of the people.
    So, I would highly recommend to check the translation in order not to look ridiculous. (Это не переход на личности, а добрый совет.)
    I did. I asked some Russian-speaking friends to watch the video and interpret for me. In summary, they concluded Girkin confirmed what Ukrainian authorities were saying. 2) Crimean authorities 'didn't vote' - the results were falsified and there was not a clear majority. They needed the army there and that's what forced local government to vote. So, like I said, (Вытерто. Л.).
    Last edited by Lampada; February 8th, 2015 at 09:52 PM. Reason: Переход на личности

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