Ukrainian army's Chief of Staff officially admitted : 'There is no Russian troops in Ukraine"

It's finally happened. The first time since the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass ,Kiev officially announced that in the south-east of Ukraine, together with the militias fighting only volunteers from Russia. And there is no regular units of the Russian army there. And made this confession, Chief of Staff of Ukrainian Army General-Colonel Victor Muzhenko.

- I'd say, that right now Ukrainian army is not fighting with the regular units of the Russian army - admitted Muzhenko to reporters at a briefing in Kiev. - Now we have only the facts of participation of individual citizens of Russia and the ex-Russian army troops who are fighting together with the members of illegal armed groups.

That is, the Ukrainian General-Colonel clearly, almost word for word confirmed what has long been said by the militias of Novorossia: Yes, there is volunteers from Russia fight for Donbass . But the vast majority of militias - are local residents of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. And no regular Russian troops there, never was!

And at the same time Chief of Staff of Ukrainian forces completely disproved the claims of the President Poroshenko, who from the podium in Davos assured politicians and businessmen from around the world ,gathered there, that in the Donetsk Basin against Ukraine fights regular Russian army. And Moscow has already moved in the south-east of Ukraine 9000 soldiers and officers.

The fact that Ukraine is fighting the Russian army, like a mantra repeated US and European politicians..

With this spell Washington twisted arms of European Heads of State to ensure that they have imposed sanctions against Russia.

Based on the fact that the Army of Ukraine have to fight not with the militias but against powerful regular troops of great Russia, Kiev gets the money and supplies of military aid. Officially - uniforms, medical supplies and appliances electronic communications and night vision, and unofficially into Ukraine moving trains with tanks and Soviet-style weapons ( many times they been photographed and seen by witnesses) from Eastern European countries - the former members of the Warsaw Pact, and now - NATO members.

Under this pretext, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recognized Russian as the"aggressor country."

Finally, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has just robbed the Russian delegation of voting rights due to the fact that the Ukrainian deputies from the rostrum of the Council of Europe shout about Russian troops.

And here's a "surprise" - no regular Russian troops in Ukraine . No "aggression" from Russia. And the Ukrainian army with all its heavy weapons fighting (and can't win) against ex-miners and engineers, teachers and businessmen, former military and police officers - with its population. And those who came to their rescue "individuals" ,as recognized by the Head of the Chief of Staff of Ukrainian Forces, Russian citizens - volunteers.

All the cries of the Russian attack on Ukraine were scam. Similarly, as the tube with the powder by US Secretary of State Colin Powell, with which he justified the US invasion of Iraq. Invasion happened, Iraq in ruins, but Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons was not there. And now - Donbass destroyed, thousands of people were killed, sanctions were introduced against Russia, construction of new NATO bases in the Baltics and Poland, - all justified by frank lies of Kiev and Washington about the "Russian threat."

However, even such high-profile recognition by Muzhenko could not knock down Ukrainian journalists out of the propaganda track . Their reports from this briefing, of course, came out with the title "The Ukraine is fighting against the citizens of Russia!" And the fact that it is only a few volunteers and that there is no regular units of the Russian army in the Donbass , in Ukrainian press ,you can only find between the lines. - Ukrainian army's Chief of Staff officially admitted : 'There is no Russian troops in Ukraine"

Ukrainian source:
Українські Збройні сили не б'ються з регулярними частинами Збройних сил Росії.Про це заявив начальник Генштабу ЗСУ Віктор Муженко, передає Інтерфакс-Україна.За його словами, Україна має факти участі окремих російських військових у складі незаконних збройних формувань."На сьогодні у нас є факти участі російських військовослужбовців, громадян РФ у складі НВФ в бойових діях. Бойових дій з підрозділами регулярних військ російської армії ми не ведемо", - сказав Муженко в ході зустрічі з військовими аташе іноземних держав, акредитованих в Україні, в четвер у Києві.