I wasn't quite sure where to put this, so I settled on this section. Mods, feel free to move it if I made a mistake. My question is as follows: What are the laws in Russia concerning civilians owning guns? I searched the web a bit, and have gotten different answers, including a site that said all firearms are prohibited. That struck me funny, as before we moved to the states (199, my father owned a shotgun. And my grandfather, who is still in Russia, owns a pistol (though I think it's a gas pistol.) I have this question because in the near future I would like to move back to Russia, and when I do, I would like to buy a house, seeing as home ownership is on the up and up, and the fiancée is a bit against living in an apartment. Now, of course, in typical Russian manner the door will be steel and the first floor windows will have steel bars. But a gun is a gun, and if nothing else, it gives a bit of peace of mind. If anyone knows about these laws, please feel free to reply. Thank you for your input!