All English speaking people and Europeans reading this; please tell your friends to watch RT to get the other perspective on this. Streaming live, ad free hi-res online.
Ukraine is a country in Europe, we cannot allow ourselves to be fooled on this. You need both perspectives.

[And @Russians - perhaps take a peek to see what the BBC or Euronews has to say on this. Not all of it is lies... Euronews streams live and has an audiostream in Russian. BBC World should be available on cable (?)]

If your friends say RT is "Russian propaganda" just ask them if they are so narrow minded that they only want to hear one side of the story, or if their views are so loosely held that they can't handle a bit of propaganda....

The propaganda onslaught that you are getting in Western media is so brutal that the only thing that will shake it, is to get the other side of the story, forcefully, and that's what RT does. We can worry about whether it's propaganda or not later. You won't become a Putin zombie just because you watch 30 minutes of RT. I promise.

How many times are we going to allow ourselves to be fooled about important conflicts by CNN, BBC etc? Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and many more...
Time to make an active choice about what you information you allow yourself to be subjected to and what you believe. Show CNN & co what you think about their one sided propaganda by changing channel!

Quote Originally Posted by EfreytoR_S View Post

To watch this, you have to sign in, verify your age and then I got "not available".
Censorship much, youtube?