Quote Originally Posted by 14Russian View Post
He's a naiive kid who doesn't know anything about Russia.
So yeah, I don't know everything about Russia or even the US but I do know a lot about people and a lot about life.

Quote Originally Posted by hddscan View Post
It's Russian mindset. Fatalism prevails, mostly comes from personal experience. Can't blame people who survived so many crises: USSR collapse, Chechen wars, Default of 1998, World crisis of 2008 and now this.
Thanks but that's still too easy. I can say it's the American mindset but I'm not Kerry or Obama and they don't think anything that I think.
And it's the American mindset if one of my friends can't play an online game and rage-quits. But I keep fighting and I win.
I think it;s the same with the Russian mindset. So maybe some Russians can be fatalist but others don't quit and they win. Don't forget, it was Russians that won the Sochi Olympics and it was Russians that won Crimea.
Русские не сдаются.

Quote Originally Posted by Serge_spb View Post
You have got no idea what you`re talking about...

Btw, what about petrol (gasoline...) prices in the USA? I`ve heard they are literally like never been better.
Why don`t you mention that?
I browsed all of the photos I shot since 2010 and I could only find one photo with a gas pump. That was last summer. So I went back today and took another photo. Here's what the prices were. Btw, it was the same pump so it's the same type of gas.

24 Июль 2014 год:

18 Декабрь 2014 год:

So yeah, the difference is $1.12 USD. But if the gas that's used to deliver products got cheaper then why are the products way more expensive?
Btw, most of the stuff we buy here is made in other countries, even the food. It's very rare to ever see anything that was made in the USA. So America has the same issues with too many imports.