Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
Why Egypt needs democracy? There's no oil there.
Hehe... no... they were the exception to the rule... In their particular case... it seems in was "better" for them to have a 'stable' rule for 30 years. There is an American University there, for the elites, and Coca Cola for the masses,.... All good stuff... So no need to get too carried away with the democracy! (Particularly in view of the problems this would create for Israel.)
But of course, when it was a fait accompli, the tune was changed.

The hypocrisy of suddenly condemning a regime it has propped up for 30 years is unbelievable.
I would have respected the US more if it had actually stood by Mubarak. At least that means standing up to some principle... as opposed to being nothing but a manipulator, and when that fails, an opportunist.