Quote Originally Posted by Dmitry Khomitchuk View Post
So, Iran. First of all they are not Arabs. But if they get nuclear weapons it will be the same shit.
Iran now looks good because it is as UK at the late XIX - early XX. For monarchies they are great monarchy with big history, and for democracies they are great democracy.
So Iran has the president, people's rights etc. Looks like civilized country with long history (Persia) and they hate Arabs. But the same time Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (second army under control of Guardian Council of Islamic Revolution). Hezbollah in Lebanon. "We will destroy fucking Israel" etc.
I asked you about Iran because it is NOW what you were predicting Egypt was going to be - Islamic government trying to get access to nuclear weapon. In fact, very Islamic and very fanatical. So fanatical that people there are told what hairstyle to have, what to watch on TV, etc. And what's absolutely disgusting are women being stoned for having sex. That's what their president stands for, and what kind of human rights they have. But I knew you would defend that regime for some reason... And I was right.