Could I please have a complete translation of the first post in that thread?
I believe it is in reference to this page:
Thank you!
Could I please have a complete translation of the first post in that thread?
I believe it is in reference to this page:
Thank you!
Also, apparently, on the page with the photos, there is mention of a Russian news station or reporter trying to pass off those photos from Gori as photos from Tskhinvali.
Can anyone find me such a comment and tell me if it is true, and give me the details? An online translator made this comment look like it might relate to that:
Фотограф не опустится, а имперские трупные черви - опустятся. Недавно разбомбленный Гори пытались подать как изничтоженный кровавой грузинской военщиной Цхинвали.
The link for that comment is: ... t143964843
I'm afraid, it's too big text. But an online translator can make it more understandable.Originally Posted by Delicieux
the translation
Блоггеры рунета have seen in photos from Georgia performance
10.08.2008 19:19 |
Russian блоггеры discuss the photos made by the photographer of agency Reuters by George Abdaladze, in the Georgian city Burn, which on August, 8th, according to messages from Georgia, has undergone to the Russian bombardment. Dmitry Bushuev (ЖЖ-пользовательlistopad), as well as many other things users of Alive Magazine, approves(confirms), that these photos – постановочные and are proved with it, appealing to many discrepancies in the staff.
"First" you see, that war not fireworks, it appears. And further miracles of field phototests begin! " – it(he) writes.
- Блоггеры introduction of censorship in блогосфере demand
- Anton Nosik: no censorship will exist, we действем under laws of the USA
- Citizens all over the world do not receive the objective information
" Suddenly in an exposition of the first staff on one square meter of the ground appear the surgeon with the lowered mask (!), it is obvious not the hospital attendant of " first aid ", and the starched nurse. Notice - on the same square meter of waste ground for mass character appears also the third actor! And why in both photos the same Georgian lays as though dead, but in different poses and in different places?. As to the second double of the second picture, miracles of statement will be seen also by the housewife. In square meter of an exposition two soldiers bearing(carrying) " the wounded man " boy with an indifferent look (anything to themselves a shock condition have already gone in!), and vociferous рыдальщица has already easy departed in the parties(sides) and possibly prepares for the fourth double. And, the soldier at the left costs(stands) on a place, and the second has time to run up ".
" I at all do not wish to tell, that there were no victims among the peace population, and we still shall see many pictures, but statements Абдаладзе too топорны ", - concludes Бушуев.
In comments in record on the same theme блоггеры result(bring) some more doubtful moments which can be noticed in photos.
" It is a photo it is made in Burn. Near to base of heavy artillery and after the aircraft had been destroyed a warehouse of an ammunition. And you represent, that such a warehouse of an ammunition. And so, they were torn, scattering splinters around of themselves in radius of kilometer. Hence, in Burn these houses stood near to base and a warehouse of an ammunition. Who lived in these houses? Most likely the attendants of this base. The resume: these photos lie. The ripped out moments from a context, the general(common) tragedy of Georgian people which has fallen a victim to tyrant Saakashvili who has untied war against South Ossetia. All these photos - only consequence(investigation) of aggression of Georgia ", - writes suntrue.
" If photos original, it all the same not in favour of Georgia for the several reasons: what horse-radish have left peace inhabitants beside with a warehouse of an ammunition and military bases? Whether Specially that? Have substituted? The city not especially also is destroyed, and here, apparently, from Tskhinvali nothing remains, time therefrom even cannot send a photo. On all photos there are not enough people - wounded men, corpses (poor four victims зафоткали as a still-life in studio, forgive My God!), what speaks about incomparably smaller losses in comparison with the killed ossets? " – writes lle-raton.
Блоггеры introduction of censorship in блогосфере demand
In Alive Magazine there were appeals to introduction of censorship in блогосфере. " Laws of a peace time are inapplicable to the present(true) situation ", is spoken in the post card of company SUP which owns Alive Magazine. The author of the letter, one of users of this service, demands from the company to take immediate measures and for revealing and curtailing in ЖЖ activity of all антироссийски adjusted(set up) блоггеров, and also communities which are used for the antiRussian propaganda.
In opinion of user ЖЖ now on the Internet the antiRussian hysteria amplifies, and the Russian segment of a world wide web use for conducting information war. It is the most appreciable just in Alive Magazine where there passes(there takes place) scale antiRussian campaign, is spoken in the post card.
As its(his) author marks(celebrates), in some communities free there are messages which are called to demoralize the Russian citizens. User ЖЖ also summarizes, that those who supervises the Internet-resources, should limit independently activity of forces hostile to Russia, not waiting reactions of authorities. Under this post card already have subscribed more ten блоггеров.
Anton Nosik: no censorship will exist, we действем under laws of the USA
The Internet-expert(-auditeur) of company SUP Anton Nosik has already declared on air of radio station " the Echo of Moscow ":" No quantity(amount) of signatures under the letter will force the commercial company to be engaged in censorship unusual for it(her) ". So Носик has commented appeared in Sunday in one of блогов " Alive magazine " on the post card in company SUP with the requirement to its(her) management(manual) " to take immediate measures on curtailing activity of all антироссийски the adjusted(set up) users of " Alive magazine ".
As has explained Носик, " the Alive magazine " is " the American project operated by laws of the USA " in which " the accepted rules about freedom of statements are absolutely incompatible with requirements of the author of the letter ".
" On their logic, the company it would be necessary to begin with forbidding the antiAmerican statements ", - has noted Носик. According to the expert(auditeur), function of the company serving " the Alive magazine ", " does not consist in carrying out censorship of moods of users ".
Носик has emphasized that similar " never entered into problems(tasks) of the company giving service ". " And, I hope, never will enter ", - it(he) has added.
раждане all over the world do not receive the objective information
Meanwhile, on global information space information war has begun. It(she) is conducted on TV, in newspapers, on the Internet. Observing of the staff of ossetic chaos, the western journalists very much try to understand, who with whom is at war. While to the majority on mind(wit) one explanation comes only: Russia against Georgia, informs the state telechannel of "Message". .
Let's note, замглавы the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Grigory Karasin on Sunday has called the western mass media to be objective at illumination(coverage) of events in South Ossetia. It(he) has emphasized, that many western mass-media "is politically engaged" shine(cover) events in South Ossetia.
In the Georgia local authorities have made a decision to stop an announcement of all Russian telechannels. But also this measure has seemed to the Georgian management(manual) insufficient - Internet users in Georgia cannot get on the Russian sites.
If who saw that staff so it is valid in any way clearly where them have removed(have taken off) - from what party(side) of military actions.
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