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Thread: Americans and europeans hate Russia...

  1. #1
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    Americans and europeans hate Russia...

    Many people who live in USA and Europe hate Russia. Coz during the decades we were enemies. But now there're bad times for Russia. Financial crysis, wars, collapsing of USSR, etc. But Russians don't want war. We had too much wars and conflicts in the past. We want peace. USA!!! Do you hear??? We want PEACE!!!

  2. #2
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    i don't think the US is going to attack Russia any time soon given the fact that the russians possess more than 18,000 nuclear weapons though 7000 are efficient and ready to go. the others are either stored or awaiting dismantlement.
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  3. #3
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    On the contrary, U.S.A. citizens in general do not hate Russia at all. Oh yea, And the USA is not going to attack Russia lol. I do think that most Americans hate france right now...

  4. #4
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    Re: Americans and europeans hate Russia...

    Quote Originally Posted by zorkk
    Many people who live in USA and Europe hate Russia. Coz during the decades we were enemies. But now there're bad times for Russia. Financial crysis, wars, collapsing of USSR, etc. But Russians don't want war. We had too much wars and conflicts in the past. We want peace. USA!!! Do you hear??? We want PEACE!!!
    And on behalf of the Europeans on this forum too (if I may...)

    I don't think Europe particularly dislikes Russia either... I actually quite like Russia!


  5. #5
    Aaa is offline
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    Americans never really hated Russians, just as they don't currently hate the Chinese. What we did hate was the old Russian government, precisely because of what they did to the Russian people: kept them from being free.

    For America in general, freedom is something worth fighting for. Our own freedom was bought with bloodshed, as was (most recently) the freedom of the Iraqi people. And by "freedom", we mean something more than simple "mob rule", we mean a freedom with individual liberty. You are free to do what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

    Regarding the most recent conflict, the Bush administration has a saying about our 3 most vocal opponents of the war: "Punish France, ignore Germany, forgive Russia." Russia is seen as a good country which is progressing towards democracy and capitalism. We may not always agree, but we are for the most part on the same side.

    Don't think we hate you, because we don't!

  6. #6
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    so, now that as soon as russia is losing they want peace ? u cant just quit in the middle of a poker game, cuz ur not winning, so, russia, don't come crawling back to ME ! good o'l usa.

    *for those of you who are as intellegent as rocks, i simply joked*

    I dont think america hated (s) russia all, the only thing i can think of is, all the americans i hear compaining of smelly russian immagrants, and, they just want them to go back to russia. but i never hear anything about "attacking russia* why do u write that u want peace on a silly forum, why dont u email george bush, he and putin are pals. but i think u are trying to fix somthing that is not broken.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  7. #7
    z80 is offline
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    I think the most hated country in the world is pressently the USA anyway.
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  8. #8
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    During the Cold War, the USSR was more interested in containment and protection, considering all the catastrophic wars she had suffered in recent years had all come from the West. I doubt she had any intention of attacking the West and imposing Communist rule upon us.

    The US however saw itself as the eternal “goodie”, exhibiting the belief that its way is the only true, correct way, a way that should be the model for the rest of the world to follow. Any nation having the temerity to run its affairs in an other-than-American way was viewed with suspicion, treated as potentially hostile. In short, simply being other-than-America made you a “baddie”.
    While the average Brit had nothing against the average Russian, the average American seemed to have a rabid hatred of anything not American, but then again, I'm sure this sentiment was a result of the US propaganda of the time, terrifying the population with horror stories about the malignant disease of Communism, coming to murder them in their beds.

    People are people wherever you go in the world, and it's only politics, ideologies and governments who put up fences between us.

  9. #9
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    I think the answer to the original message is that neither Americans or Europeans have anything against Russia. But a very large amount of people seem to have a personal greavance with Junior Bush...

    (For the record, I am not Anti American... I quite like that country too! Just you need a regime chance - PLEASE VOTE DEMOCRAT!!! for me. Go on. please.)


  10. #10
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    Hmmm... Americans hate Russians?!?!!

    I for one, have an open stance to most Russians...

    Just 'cos some people think they're greasy, fat fvcks, doesn't me we all do
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  11. #11
    z80 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoonMonst3r
    Just 'cos some people think they're greasy, fat fvcks, doesn't me we all do
    I think thats what the rest of the world thinks of Americans and there hamburgers. Isn't that why so many yanks are fat?

    For some reson when I think of Russians and there food I think of mushrooms. I don't know why.
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  12. #12
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by z80
    I think thats what the rest of the world thinks of Americans and there hamburgers. Isn't that why so many yanks are fat?
    Yes, and many of them sue food companies and fast-food restaurants for low-quality food components. They believe it was the main reason they got fat. You shouldn't have eaten this stuff first of all, dear fat americans! Eat normal, well-prepared meals and not this fastfood.

    As for mushrooms, in Russia there is a lot of edible mushrooms, very high quality ones, and many Russians like them. I heard thet in Australia, especially in Sidney area there's a lot of chanterelles and saffron milk caps, but uasralians don't eat them because they think they are not-edible.

    For me the best edible mushrooms are milk mushrooms (esp. pickles from them).

  13. #13
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    Re: Americans and europeans hate Russia...

    Many people who live in USA and Europe hate Russia. Coz during the decades we were enemies. But now there're bad times for Russia. Financial crysis, wars, collapsing of USSR, etc. But Russians don't want war. We had too much wars and conflicts in the past. We want peace. USA!!! Do you hear??? We want PEACE!!!

  14. #14
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    your mods are always saying "don't go off topic".

    i beliveve this topic should be locked, and the innapropriate posts on it deleted.

    some comments mentioned here should be strictly send by e-mail or PM, if not at all.
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  15. #15
    Fine, fine. Don't get your Huggies all soiled on my account.

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