Everyone should know that this day was marked by the beginning of Great Patriotic War (Великая Отечественная Война). Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union spurring the WWII to begin. Beginning from their school days, the previous generations of Russians were taught that fascists perpetrated a treacherous attack. USSR headed by Stalin was found absolutely incapable of repeling aggression. Some moments of that time have been reinterpreted for the last 15-20 years. In particular, Viktor Suvorov (Виктор Суворов) casts doubt on the fact of "a treacherous attack" in his books Ice-breaker and Day M, stating that Germany's actions were preventive in nature, i.e. Hitler left Stalin only a few weeks behind. Stalin along with his marshals and Red Army went down in history as a liberator of Europe, while Hitler (along with Wehrmacht) as a world-famous villain and dreg. So, what do YOU think about this?