Studying the accomodation between consonants and vowels in Russian language I find the concepts: Экскурсия, выдержка и рекурсия, as the three phases of pronounciation of sounds.
Экскурсия - that I have translated as "preparation", i.e., putting the organs of diction ready to pronounce a sound.
выдержка - according to the dictionary as "quotation", and that I have translated as "exposing"; I understand being the realisation of the sound.
рекурсия - according to what I have found has little to do with the pronounciation of a sound. "It is the capability, present in every language [it is a universal linguistic]) that allows to repeat a syntactical construction many times". I understand that here рекурсия means the capability of a sound of making an influence out of the limits of the word. The phrase that makes me to think like this is the following:
"Аккомдации возникают между согласными и гласными, обычно стоящими рядом, и стоят в том, экскурсия последующего звука приспособляется к рекурсии предыдущего - это прогрессивная аккомoдация ...".
Can you correct ot make clear my ideas about it? Thanks.