Honestly, I've never found much use to studying all these rules regarding the different причастия. I learned how to use them just by reading a lot of Russian, learning different songs, and listening to people speaking. I once got a job tutoring Russian and that was probably the first time I ever actually sat down and studied the rules, but I used all these different forms every day in my speaking. Okay, I sometimes get confused about the difference between предъявляемый and предъявленный, but that's just me.

I think it makes a lot of sense to learn fixed expressions using these forms - the first one that comes to mind is считанные секунды, but there are many others. Once you know enough of these expressions you should be able to form new sentences based on the models you already know. For example, from считанные секунды, it's easy to come up with прочитанные книги or even протраченные деньги without even thinking about the rule behind it.

At least that's my opinion.