A little update:
Come to think of it, why стоит? So it seems to me as a matter of condition. To be more specific: what it takes (as in price, if you want to be more esoteric
) for the condition 2 to be valid and it takes the condition 1.
Стоит мне заболеть (condition 1), они будут бить баклуши (condition 2)
Therefore, this construction is very similar to "if" claused sentences.
Now there is a matter of why specifically say стоит instead of just если in the sentence.
Если я заболею, они будут бить баклуши - This sounds neutral
Стоит мне заболеть, они будут бить баклуши - This sounds strong, stronger than the если variant. In my opinion, using стоит underlines the fact that it would take as little as your absence from work due to illness for them to start slacking off
Thus, whoever wrote the original sentence clearly thought that he or she was the only one who kept it all together.
Just see this:
Ну, поговори с ней. Что тебе это стоит? - The last sentence is a set phrase meaning "it'll take so little effort from you to do that". So this emphasis of littleness
is what makes стоит be preferable in sentences like this:
Стоит только раз попробовать наркотики, и ты уже на игле!
I hope this flood of uncontrolled thoughts has converged into something easy to understand