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Thread: "Мне надоело" и "скучать"

  1. #1
    Завсегдатай Antonio1986's Avatar
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    "Мне надоело" и "скучать"

    "Мне надоело" переводиться по-английски: "I am bored" или "I am sick".
    The synonym of this expression is "скучать". So if I want to translate the expression: "After we got bored discussing we went for swimming".
    My effort will be:
    1. После того как мы поскучали беседовать мы пошли купаться.
    2. После того как нам был надоело беседовать мы пошли купаться

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio1986 View Post
    "Мне надоело" переводиться по-английски: "I am bored" или "I am sick".
    The synonym of this expression is "скучать".
    Antonio, they are not synonymous at all, they are very different.

    So if I want to translate the expression: "After we got bored discussing we went for swimming".
    My effort will be:
    1. После того как мы поскучали беседовать мы пошли купаться.
    Wrong, weird and very-very funny

    2. После того как нам был -> unnecessary надоело беседовать мы пошли купаться
    Not that bad. But "был" does not fit here at all.
    And I would better say "Когда нам надоело беседовать, мы пошли купаться". Please mind the comma

    Надоесть (perf.) / надоедать (imperf.): to make you tired of something, to pester.

    Use 1 - with verbs: (to someone - Dative) надоело (to do something - imperfective infinitive)

    Мне надоело работать. - You say that after having worked for a long period, when you finally feel you are tired of this work. You do not want to continue work.

    Нам надоело тебя ждать. - We are tired of waiting for you. We have been waiting for you for hours, and we hate staying here any longer.

    Мне надоело смотреть телевизор. - I am tired of watching TV, I do not feel like keep watching it longer. I want to do something else now.

    Use 2 - with nouns: (to someone - Dative) надоел(а,о) (something or somebody - nominative case)

    Ты мне надоел со своими советами! - You pestered me with your advice! I am tired of you with your advice! I do not want any more advice from you, leave me alone.

    Мне надоела эта работа. - This job pestered me. I am tired of this job. I want a different job.

    Мне надоела Москва. - I am fed up with Moscow. I do not want to stay here longer, I want to move to a different place.
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    Завсегдатай Antonio1986's Avatar
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    But how I will indicate that the feeling of boredom is not current but it was at the past. I was bored speaking at that day.
    Is it: "Когда нам надоел беседовать, мы пошли купаться"

  4. #4
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Боб Уайтман View Post
    ...Мне надоела эта работа. - This job pestered me. I am tired of this job. I want a different job. ...
    "This job pestered me". Мне кажется, что так не говорят. Pest же одушевленный, и я думаю, pestered - это только о ком-то.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio1986 View Post
    But how I will indicate that the feeling of boredom is not current but it was at the past. I was bored speaking at that day.
    Is it: "Когда нам надоело беседовать, мы пошли купаться"
    Since there is no subject (technically, the infinitive "беседовать" is the subject, not a noun), you need neuter, as for impersonal structures.

    Antonio, there are two issues.

    First, you are confusing two things: boredom and tiredness. It happens that English and Russian have different views on the human emotions spectrum. For Russians, they are just different emotions. You may be tired of something but not bored. You may feel boredom without any reason, without being tired of anything specific. You may be both tired and bored, of course, as one of the possibilities. What you are talikng about is tiredness, not boredom.

    Second, the whole phrase "Когда нам надоело беседовать, мы пошли купаться" is already in the past. "надоело" is the past tense, "пошли" is the past tense as well.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    "This job pestered me". Мне кажется, что так не говорят. Pest же одушевленный, и я думаю, pestered - это только о ком-то.
    Thank you, Lampada!
    But I tried to explain how we understand what "надоесть" means

  7. #7
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    Let me explain what "скучать" means.

    Generally, it expresses negative emotions related to sadness.

    It has two usages.

    1. "Скучать" as "to miss someone/something". In this case, it is used this way: [Subject in Nominative] + скучать (choose a proper form) по + [What or Who being missed in Dative].

    It does not only mean "to miss", it expresses strong emotions of sadness or melancholy because of the missing thing/person.

    Я скучаю по тебе. - I am missing you (now). That is why I am sad. I want to see you, but I cannot.
    Я скучал по тебе. - in the past. That is what you say to your beloved one when you meet after a long separation.
    Я буду скучать по тебе. - in the future. That is what you say to your beloved one when he/she leaves for a long time.

    Я скучаю по дому. - I am missing my home. I feel homesick. I am sad because of that. I wish I would return home.
    Я скучаю по Москве. - the same meaning: I am missing Moscow, and I am sad because of that.
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  8. #8
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    2. "Скучать" (without any object! It is intransitive) as "to feel lack of any interest". It can also be related to some melancholy, but not always.

    Я скучаю. - I feel bored. I am not interested in anything right now. I do not want to do anything. (Maybe also, but not necessarily: I am sad because of that). Anyway, it's a negative feeling.

    Я скучаю на этой работе. - In this case, the reason is specified indirectly. I feel bored at this work. (Probably because this work is uninteresting for me).

    Почему ты скучаешь? - Whay are you so bored? (I see your sad face, I see you are not doing anything).

    Again, no direct object is possible. And no infinitive is possible either. One cannot say "Я скучаю + что-то делать". It is ungrammatical, and it is even illogical: if he is already doing something, then he is not bored.

    There are also 2 related words:
    Скучно is an adverb of state.

    Мне скучно. = Я скучаю.
    Мне скучно здесь без тебя. = Я скучаю здесь без тебя.

    But with "скучно", you CAN use an infinitive:
    Мне скучно с тобой разговаривать. = I feel bored of talking to you (because it is uninteresting to me, talking to you makes me sleepy).
    Здесь скучно работать. = It is boring to work here (because the work is uninteresting, moreover it is monotonous, the same routine every day).
    Скучно быть одному. = It is boring to be alone.

    Скучный - adjective. = boring, uninteresting, monotonous: скучная книга (boring, uninteresting book); скучная работа (boring, monotonous job), скучный фильм, скучный вечер (you had nothing to do that evening).

    Now, let's compare "скучать/скучно" and "надоесть". The former expresses boredom, the latter expresses tiredness:

    "Мне скучно с тобой разговаривать" - It is boring, uninteresting for me to talk to you. Certainly, it does imply that I do not want to continue talking. But the reason is the lack of interest.

    "Мне надоело с тобой разговаривать" - I am tired of talking to you. It does not necessarily mean that "мне скучно". It can, but not always. It just states: "I do not want to continue talking to you" but there can be different reasones: it may be uninteresting; it may be interesting but I've just got tired (I need some break); maybe I do not like the way you talk; maybe I dislike you personally etc.

    "Мне скучно" can be said when you are doing nothing, and do not want to do anything due to your emotional state. It does not mean that something "надоело", you are not tired of anything, you are just bored.

    "Мне скучно работать здесь" - You feel bored of working here, because the work is monotonous and uninteresting. It does not directly mean you want to change your job (but it is quite logical, although it is unexpressed)
    "Мне надоело работать здесь" - You are tired of working here and do not want to. It definitely states you would like to change your job. But it does not mean "мне скучно". Maybe yes ("надоело" because" of "скучно") but maybe not ("надоело" because the work is hard, difficult, or because the boss is always angry, or because the salary is low etc.).

    Consider 2 dialogs:
    - Я завтра увольняюсь с работы.
    - Почему?
    - Потому что эта работа скучная. Она мне надоела. Я больше не могу там работать.
    (Option: Потому что мне скучно на этой работе. Мне надоело там работать. Я больше не хочу.)
    (Another option: Потому что мне надоела эта работа. Я скучаю на ней. Я хочу другую работу.)

    Here, "надоело" because of "скучно".

    - Я завтра увольняюсь с работы.
    - Почему?
    - Она мне надоела.
    - Что, работа скучная?
    - Да нет, не скучная. Я просто устал. Начальник всё время кричит на меня. Я ничего не успеваю. Куча заданий. Надоело!

    Here, "надоело" but not "скучно"!
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    I am unjustified not understanding from the beginning the structure.
    So as to clarify everything if I want to say: "I don't want to go to that party because I will get bored" = "Не хочу пойти на этy вечеринкy потому что мне надоедаю"

  10. #10
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    Antonio, I have just edited my post above by adding more details to it.
    Could you please re-read it first? And then you will decide what to use here: "I don't want to go to that party because I will get bored". I hope you can do it yourself after reading my explanation If not, then I'll help you of course.

    More tips for you (I'll try not to use English words like "bore, boring, boredom" since they are ambiguous):

    "надоесть/надоедать" - the key point here is you want something to stop, to disappear: you want someone to leave you alone, or you want to stop doing something, or you want to leave some place, or you want to get rid of something. Reason: you just do not want it to continue. There can be many possible reasons for that (physical tiredness, emotional tiredness, you lost your interest, you just dislike it in general etc.).

    It is considered as "change of state": before you might be OK with it. But suddenly you feel like getting rid of it. You are reading, reading, reading (everything's OK), then you suddenly say: "мне надоело читать" (you do not want to continue). Reasons can be different. It is quite possible you will resume reading later after having some rest.

    It may or may not be "скучно".

    "скучно, скучать" - the key point here is lack of interest: it can be lack of interest to anything due to your emotional state (sadness, melancholy), or lack of interest to something specific because it is monotonous, or uninteresting to you.

    It is considered as "state", not as state transition: if something is "скучно", then it was and it will be "скучно". Although you can specify "стало скучно" if you need state transition (it became uninteresting at some point). If "Эта книга скучная / Мне скучно читать эту книгу", then I guess most likely you can realize it with the very beginning of the book. And it is most likely you will not resume reading it after you decided to stop.

  11. #11
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    Боб я опять прочитал твое объяснение. Надоесть / надоехать is when you just want to stop doing an activity and скучать is when you simply get bored.
    The problem here was more with the construction of the sentence.
    I think the correct translation would be: Я не хочу поехать на вечерунку потому что мне будет скучно там.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio1986 View Post
    Боб я опять прочитал твое объяснение. Надоесть / надоехать is when you just want to stop doing an activity and скучать is when you simply get bored.
    The problem here was more with the construction of the sentence.
    I think the correct translation would be: Я не хочу поехать на вечерунку потому что мне будет скучно там.
    Nearly perfect! At least I see you've got it finally Minor corrections: Я не хочу ехать на вечеринку, потому что мне там будет скучно.
    1. Spelling (a typo): вечеринка;
    2. "Я не хочу ехать" is more natural;
    3. Word order: it's better to put "там" before the verb.

    Another correction: надоедать (actually it has the same root as "есть" /to eat/ and "еда" /food/, compare: съесть-съедать, доесть-доедать). The etymology is clear: "надоесть" implies "I am fed up with something".

  13. #13
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    Идеальное объяснение = почти идеальный ответ.

    Спасибо Боб

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    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio1986 View Post
    1. После того как мы поскучали беседовать мы пошли купаться.
    2. После того как нам был надоело беседовать мы пошли купаться
    Смысл понятен, но лучше так:
    1. После того, как нам наскучило беседовать, мы пошли купаться.
    2. После того, как нам надоело беседовать, мы пошли купаться.

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