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Thread: Web fiction, Cyber fiction

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Web fiction, Cyber fiction

    I searched for quite some time on the Internet the Russian word for "web fiction"/"cyber fiction" but failed to find one.
    Is it "веб-роман" или что?

  2. #2
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if we have a special term for "web-fiction" in Russian. I bet we'd just call that "fiction", which is фантастика in Russian, as no one would care that web fiction is a work of fiction available primarily or solely on the internet. It's genre or subgenre what matters to us, not where you can find a work of art. E.g. A web fiction written in science fiction genre would just be научная фантастика for us.

    Cyber fiction is definitely a genre, so it is a thing in Russian - киберфантастика.
    wonlon likes this.
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    We have term "самиздат" ("сам"="self", "издательство"=publication) from soviet times. Originally this term was about politically banned works which were copied manually by activists-volunteers.
    Today it's more about web-published works with web-site Самиздат (branch of oldest russian free web-library Lib.Ru: Библиотека Максима Мошкова) hosting hundred of thousands of non-professional works.
    They still present genuine examples of web-designs of nineties.
    However, as was said, we do not pay attention to the source of work to mark such things by this label as something important.
    wonlon likes this.

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